Autor según el artículo: Ferrando, Pere J.; Lorenzo-Seva, Urbano;
Departamento: Psicologia
Autor/es de la URV: Ferrando Piera, Pere Joan / Lorenzo Seva, Urbano
Palabras clave: Weighted least squares regression Validation Statistics Self-perception profile Scales Personality measurement Person-fit Model Mean-square residual statistics Kernel smoothing Fit analysis Children Anxiety personality measurement person-fit mean-square residual statistics kernel smoothing
Resumen: This article proposes a general parametric item response theory approach for identifying sources of misfit in response patterns that have been classified as potentially inconsistent by a global person-fit index. The approach, which is based on the weighted least squared regression of the observed responses on the model-expected responses, can be used with a variety of unidimensional and multidimensional models intended for binary, graded, and continuous responses and consists of procedures for identifying (a) general deviation trends, (b) local inconsistencies, and (c) single response inconsistencies. A free program called REG-PERFIT that implements most of the proposed techniques has been developed, described, and made available for interested researchers. Finally, the functioning and usefulness of the proposed procedures is illustrated with an empirical study based on a statistics-anxiety scale.
Áreas temáticas: Psychology, mathematical Psychology, educational Psychology (miscellaneous) Psychology Psicología Pedagogical & educational research Mathematics, miscellaneous Mathematics, interdisciplinary applications Matemática / probabilidade e estatística Interdisciplinar Education Educació Economia Developmental and educational psychology Ciencias sociales Applied psychology Applied mathematics
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Identificador del autor: 0000-0001-5369-3099 0000-0002-3133-5466
Fecha de alta del registro: 2024-09-07
Versión del articulo depositado: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
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Referencia al articulo segun fuente origial: Educational And Psychological Measurement. 76 (3): 470-486
Referencia de l'ítem segons les normes APA: Ferrando, Pere J.; Lorenzo-Seva, Urbano; (2016). A Comprehensive Regression-Based Approach for Identifying Sources of Person Misfit in Typical-Response Measures. Educational And Psychological Measurement, 76(3), 470-486. DOI: 10.1177/0013164415594659
DOI del artículo: 10.1177/0013164415594659
Entidad: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Año de publicación de la revista: 2016
Tipo de publicación: Journal Publications