Llibres electrònics de producció científica> Llibres Publicacions URV

Pobres joves grassos: Obesitat i itineraris juvenils a Catalunya

  • Identification data

    Identifier: PC:1285
    Diversos AutorsMabel Gracia-Arnaiz
    In Poor little fat kids we ask how and why in recent decades certain dietary and bodily practices have become problems with social, cultural and political implications for public health. In this regard, our research is the continuation of more than ten years of studies into eating disorders, with a particular focus on the sociocultural study of obesity. By means of an ethnographic study of the field of healthcare and through the internet, we analyse the experiences and representations of being and feeling fat among young Catalans. Our principal objective is to determine if being overweight has affected their personal and social lives and, in particular, if it encourages specific forms of discrimination in educational, family or leisure settings.
  • Others:

    Department: Antropologia, Filosofia i Treball Social
    Repository ingest date: 2016-03-31
    Abstract: In Poor little fat kids we ask how and why in recent decades certain dietary and bodily practices have become problems with social, cultural and political implications for public health. In this regard, our research is the continuation of more than ten years of studies into eating disorders, with a particular focus on the sociocultural study of obesity. By means of an ethnographic study of the field of healthcare and through the internet, we analyse the experiences and representations of being and feeling fat among young Catalans. Our principal objective is to determine if being overweight has affected their personal and social lives and, in particular, if it encourages specific forms of discrimination in educational, family or leisure settings. A Pobres joves grassos ens preguntem com i per què certes pràctiques alimentàries i corporals han esdevingut, en les darreres dècades, problemes de salut pública amb implicacions socials, culturals i polítiques. En aquest sentit, la nostra recerca és la continuació de més de deu anys de treballs sobre els trastorns de la conducta alimentària (TCA) —eating disorders—, amb un interès ara centrat en l’estudi sociocultural de l’obesitat. Mitjançant una aproximació etnogràfica en l’àmbit assistencial i a través d’internet, analitzem experiències i representacions d’estar i sentir-se gras entre la joventut catalana. El nostre objectiu principal consisteix en esbrinar si la grassor ha condicionat les seves trajectòries personals i socials i si, concretament, afavoreix formes específiques de discriminació en l’àmbit formatiu, familiar o lúdic.
    Access rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
    Language: Català
    Licence document URL: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
    Document type: Llibres electrònics info:eu-repo/semantics/book
    Author: Diversos Autors; Mabel Gracia-Arnaiz
    Document URL: http://llibres.urv.cat/index.php/purv/catalog/book/57
    Published by (editorial): Publicacions de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    Document name: Pobres joves grassos: Obesitat i itineraris juvenils a Catalunya
    ISBN: 978-84-695-6439-4
    Book publication year: 2012