Títol |
Data |
Adapting a Fuzzy Random Forest for Ordinal Multi-Class Classification | 2022 |
Analysis of the Spiral Structure in Disc galaxies using the FFT Transform
Breast cancer computer-aided diagnosis systems: Analysis of breast tissues in mammograms and ultrasound images | 2015 |
CLARUS: User-Centered Privacy and Security in the Cloud | 2015 |
Cryptographic protocols for Low Emission Zones access control | 2017 |
Current trends in simheuristics: from smart transportation to agent-based simheuristics | 2018 |
Database privacy | 2015 |
Eficient Wireless Channel Characterization for Context-Aware Scenarios | 2016 |
Evolutionary Game theory in multiplex networks | 2014 |
Improving Prediction in the Routing Layer of Wireless Networks Through Social Behaviour
Nota técnica sobre la determinación de los arcos de los arbotantes góticos
Prioritization of Prefetching Trac into Multicore Networks | 2017 |
Privacy-oriented analysis of ubiquitous computing systems: A 5-D approach | 2021 |
Privacy-preserving recommender systems for e-commerce & health services | 2014 |
Privacy-Preserving Technologies | 2020 |
Propietats en els sistemes de verificació de la votació electrònica i estudi de proves realitzades
Pruebas Basadas en el Entorno para la Detección de Ataques de Relay en Accesos a Zonas Restringidas
Real-Time Traffic-Scheduling in Underwater Acoustic Wireless Sensor Networks | 2016 |
Recent Advances in Non-perfect Secret Sharing Schemes | 2016 |
Recommender Systems with Privacy for Context-Aware Services | 2015 |
(SA)6: A new framework for the analysis of smart tourism destinations. A comparative case study of two Spanish destinations
Searchable Encryption for Geo-Referenced Data | 2016 |
Secure Interpolation in the Cloud
Sistema de telepeaje en zonas urbanas | 2014 |
The k-adjacency dimension of graphs | 2015 |
The k-metric dimension of a graph | 2014 |