Conjunts de dades de producció científica: Història i Història de l'Art

Un totat de 35 resultats.
Títol Data
Absolute occurrence of the recovered materials per layer.2019
Age group divisions based on Stiner [5] and Bunn and Pickering [61], and the estimated age of cervids and equids.2017
Allostratigraphic units and lithological levels (same nomenclature used to describe archaeo-palaeontological levels) for Galería, together with the position of the luminescence dating samples analysed in this study.2014
Barranc de la Boella radiometric dates obtained from sedimentary samples from stratigraphic units I and II at el Forn (EF) and la Mina (LM) localities (Figure 2).2014
C-14 dates available for the Cova Foradada sequence.2019
Data from: An integrative skeletal and paleogenomic analysis of stature variation suggests relatively reduced health for early European farmers2022
Data from: A Western route of prehistoric human migration from Africa into the Iberian Peninsula2019
Data from: Walk the line: 600,000 years of molar evolution constrained by allometry in the fossil rodent Mimomys savini2015
Dental mesowear and microwear raw data for Cervus elaphus, Rupicapra pyrenaica and Sus scrofa from Balma del Gai; and the ANOVA - test for equal means2022
Environmental dose rate values for the quartz and K-feldspar fractions measured in this study.2014
Faunal assemblage from Cova Foradada2019
File S1 - New Luminescence Ages for the Galería Complex Archaeological Site: Resolving Chronological Uncertainties on the Acheulean Record of the Sierra de Atapuerca, Northern Spain2014
Final luminescence ages obtained for the Galería samples in this study.2014
Fragment conservation cathegories of I. alonensis land snails.2014
I. alonensis sample and descriptive statistics of width and height measuruments through time.2014
Insertion sites sizes (FR) and phalangeal size (PTA)2020
Limestone spheroid 3D models for: The limestone spheroids of ‘Ubeidiya: Intentional imposition of symmetric geometry by early hominins?2023
MNE, MNI and MNI by age group for each level of Abric Romaní.2017
MNE of high survival elements of the cervids and equids from the levels of Abric Romaní [73, 82, 88, 90, 94].2017
Number of cervid mandibles at Abric Romaní, indicating level, archaeological reference, MNE, size, dental series, crown height of teeth, code of wear stage, age group according to Stiner [5] and Bunn and Pickering [61] and mean age in month.2017
Number of cervid maxillae at Abric Romaní, indicating level, archaeological reference, MNE, size, dental series, crown height of teeth, code of wear stage, age group according to Stiner [5] and Bunn and Pickering [61] and mean age in months.2017
Number of equids and cervids mandibles and maxillae at Abric Romaní, indicating level, archaeological reference, MNE, size, dental series, crown height of teeth and code of wear stage.2017
Number of equids mandibles at Abric Romaní, indicating level, archaeological reference, MNE, size, dental series, crown height of teeth, age group according to Stiner [5] and Bunn and Pickering [61], and mean, minimum and maximum age in months.2017
Number of equids maxillae at Abric Romaní, indicating level, archaeological reference, MNE, size, dental series, crown height of teeth, age group according to Stiner [5] and Bunn and Pickering [61], and mean, minimum and maximum age in month.2017
Number of teeth analyzed in terms of archaeological level, species and integrity (isolated or within dental series).2017
PALEODEM/ What burned the forest? Wildfires, climate change and human activity during the Mesolithic – Neolithic transition in SE Iberian Peninsula2022
Paleodiet and niche partitioning among the easternmost European cave bears based on tooth wear analysis2021
Reference values for the age groups and crown heights used for the calculation of ages.2017
Replication Data for Results of Mentoring in the Psychosocial Well-Being of Young Immigrants and Refugees in Spain2020
SAR protocols used in this study to obtain ages from quartz (protocol A) and K-feldspars (protocol B).2014
Summary by layer, occupation type, lithics, wood used and previously specified transport strategies [67, 68, 71, 73, 75, 81–84, 88–91, 93–95].2017
Summary of single-grain TT-OSL and multi-grain pIR-IR225 De values for the Galería samples.2014
The association of raptors and corvids with Paleolithic humans across the Palearctic.2012
The Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition occupations from Cova Foradada (Calafell, NE Iberia)2019
VRM experiment raw data2019