Conjunts de dades de producció científica> Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques

A link model approach to identify congestion hotspots

  • Dades identificatives

    Identificador: PC:4027
    Bassolas Esteban, Aleix
    Congestion emerges when high demand peaks put transportation systems under stress. Understanding the interplay between the spatial organization of demand, the route choices of citizens, and the underlying infrastructures is thus crucial to locate congestion hotspots and mitigate the delay. Here we develop a model where links are responsible for the processing of vehicles, that can be solved analytically before and after the onset of congestion, and providing insights into the global and local congestion. We apply our method to synthetic and real transportation networks, observing a strong agreement between the analytical solutions and the Monte Carlo simulations, and a reasonable agreement with the travel times observed in 12~cities under congested phase. Our framework can incorporate any type of routing extracted from real trajectory data to provide a more detailed description of congestion phenomena, and could be used to dynamically adapt the capacity of road segments according to the flow of vehicles, or reduce congestion through hotspot pricing.
  • Altres:

    Matèria: Mobilitat
    Drets d'accés: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
    Identificador del investigador: 0000-0001-5588-2117
    Publicat per (editora): Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
    Publicacions relacionades: "Bassolas, A., Gómez, S., & Arenas, A. (2022). A link model approach to identify congestion hotspots. Royal Society Open Science, 9(10), 220894. "
    Resum: Congestion emerges when high demand peaks put transportation systems under stress. Understanding the interplay between the spatial organization of demand, the route choices of citizens, and the underlying infrastructures is thus crucial to locate congestion hotspots and mitigate the delay. Here we develop a model where links are responsible for the processing of vehicles, that can be solved analytically before and after the onset of congestion, and providing insights into the global and local congestion. We apply our method to synthetic and real transportation networks, observing a strong agreement between the analytical solutions and the Monte Carlo simulations, and a reasonable agreement with the travel times observed in 12~cities under congested phase. Our framework can incorporate any type of routing extracted from real trajectory data to provide a more detailed description of congestion phenomena, and could be used to dynamically adapt the capacity of road segments according to the flow of vehicles, or reduce congestion through hotspot pricing.
    Departament: Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6837557
    Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/other
    DOI de la publicació relacionada: 10.1098/rsos.220894
    Data alta repositori: 2022-07-15
    Autor: Bassolas Esteban, Aleix
    Paraules clau: Urban congestion, mobility
    Grup de recerca: Network and Data Science
    Any de publicació de la dataset: 2022
    Títol del conjunt de dades: A link model approach to identify congestion hotspots