Subject matter: Arqueologia
Access rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Researcher identifier: 0000-0003-1703-9801
Published by (editorial): Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Language: en
Related publications: Muller, A., Barsky, D., Sala-Ramos, R., Sharon, G., Titton, S., Vergès, J.-M., & Grosman, L. (2023). The limestone spheroids of ‘Ubeidiya: Intentional imposition of symmetric geometry by early hominins? Royal Society Open Science, 10(9), 230671.
Abstract: Spheroids are one of the least understood lithic items yet are one of the most enduring, spanning from the Oldowan to the Middle Palaeolithic. Why and how they were made remains highly debated. We seek to address whether spheroids represent unintentional by-products of percussive tasks or if they were intentionally knapped tools with specific manufacturing goals. We apply novel 3D analysis methods, including spherical harmonics and surface curvature, to 150 limestone spheroids from ‘Ubeidiya (c.1.4Ma), presently the earliest Acheulean occurrence outside of Africa, to bring a new perspective to these enigmatic artefacts. We reconstruct the spheroid reduction sequence based on trends in their scar facets and geometry, finding that the spheroid makers at ‘Ubeidiya followed a premeditated reduction strategy. During their manufacture, the spheroids do not become smoother, but they become markedly more spherical. They approach an ideal sphere, a feat that likely required a mental template and skilful knapping. Acheulean bifaces are currently thought to represent the earliest evidence of hominins imposing a premeditated, symmetrical shape on stone. With evidence of spheroids occurring before the Acheulean, the intentional production of a sphere-like object now represents the oldest evidence of hominins desiring and achieving intentional geometry and symmetry in stone.
Departament: Història i Història de l'Art
DOI: 10.5061/dryad.9ghx3ffp3
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/other
Related publication's DOI: 10.1098/rsos.230671
Repository ingest date: 2023-08-21
Author: Titton, Stefania
Keywords: Archaeology, History and archaeology, 3D Lithic Analysis, Acheulean, Spheroids, Stone Balls
Dataset publication year: 2023
Funding program action: "Gerda Henkel Foundation, Award: AZ 32/V/19 Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Award: CEX2019-000945-M Government of Catalonia, Award: SGR: 2021 SGR 01238 (AGAUR) "
Dataset title: Limestone spheroid 3D models for: The limestone spheroids of ‘Ubeidiya: Intentional imposition of symmetric geometry by early hominins?