Conjunts de dades de producció científica> Enginyeria Mecànica

S1 Data -

  • Identification data

    Identifier: PC:4082
    Hernández-Lara, Ana Beatriz
    Tables summarizing the data used for the systematic review and meta-analysis. Up to 17 tables, and a list of the included studies is provided.Tables summarizing the data used for the systematic review and meta-analysis. Up to 17 tables, and a list of the included studies is provided.
  • Others:

    Subject matter: Ciències medioambientals
    Access rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
    Researcher identifier: 0000-0002-8110-9328
    Published by (editorial): Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
    Related publications: Carvache-Franco, M., Carvache-Franco, W., Hernández-Lara, A. B., & Carvache-Franco, O. (2023). Effects of motivations in marine protected areas: The case of Galápagos Islands. PLOS ONE, 18(11), e0293480.
    Departament: Enginyeria Mecànica
    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0293480.s001
    Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/other
    Related publication's DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0293480
    Repository ingest date: 2020-08-20
    Author: Hernández-Lara, Ana Beatriz
    Keywords: natural heritage site, confirmatory factor analysis, marine protected areas, tourists, pull motivational factors, give positive feedback, active marine, social relations, passive marine, passive marine, social relations, positive recommendations, return intentions, research proposes, pull motivations, pagos islands, national park, analyze push, adequate management
    Research group: Experimentació, Computació i Modelització en Mecànica de Fluids i Turbulència
    Dataset publication year: 2020
    Dataset title: S1 Data -
  • Keywords:

    Ciències medioambientals
    natural heritage site, confirmatory factor analysis, marine protected areas, tourists, pull motivational factors, give positive feedback, active marine, social relations, passive marine, passive marine, social relations, positive recommendations, return intentions, research proposes, pull motivations, pagos islands, national park, analyze push, adequate management
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