Conjunts de dades de producció científica> Geografia


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    Identificador: PC:4015
    Paolo Russo, Antonio
    It brings together 11 universities and 1 innovation centre from seven European and Mediterranean countries. It aims to develop innovative solutions in the face of the conflicts and externalities that are produced by tourism-related mobilities in cities, by informing the design of alternative policy options for more socially inclusive places in the age of mobilities. The SMARTDEST DATASET WP2 V1 includes data and indicators elaborated from different public sources (EUROSTAT, LFS, EU SILC) and some private sources that have been used to provide evidence on the territorial impacts of tourism mobilities and on exclusionary trends across the European space, which are collected in a technical report (SMARTDEST deliverable 2.2).
  • Otros:

    Materia: Tourism
    Derechos de acceso: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
    Identificador del investigador: 0000-0001-8768-246X
    Publicado por (editorial): Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
    Publicaciones relacionadas: Bornioli, A., Vermeulen, S. J., Van Haaren, J., Valente, R., & Mingardo, G. (2022). The impacts of tourism stays on residents’ self-reported health: A pan-european analysis on the role of age and urbanization level. Sustainability, 14(3), 1157.
    Resumen: It brings together 11 universities and 1 innovation centre from seven European and Mediterranean countries. It aims to develop innovative solutions in the face of the conflicts and externalities that are produced by tourism-related mobilities in cities, by informing the design of alternative policy options for more socially inclusive places in the age of mobilities. The SMARTDEST DATASET WP2 V1 includes data and indicators elaborated from different public sources (EUROSTAT, LFS, EU SILC) and some private sources that have been used to provide evidence on the territorial impacts of tourism mobilities and on exclusionary trends across the European space, which are collected in a technical report (SMARTDEST deliverable 2.2).
    Departamento: Geografia
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4058290
    Tipo de documento: info:eu-repo/semantics/other
    DOI de la publicación relacionada: 10.3390/su14031157
    Fecha alta repositorio: 2020-09-29
    Autor: Paolo Russo, Antonio
    Palabras clave: Tourism, Mobilities, Migrations, Social exclusion, Territorial impacts
    Grupo de investigación: Grup d'Anàlisi Territorial i Estudis Turístics
    Año de publicación de la dataset: 2020
    Acción del progama de financiación: EU-funded H2020 research project under the Grant Agreement no. 870753
    Título del conjunto de datos: SMARTDEST DATASET WP2 V1
  • Palabras clave:

    Tourism, Mobilities, Migrations, Social exclusion, Territorial impacts
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