Conjunts de dades de producció científica> Ciències Mèdiques Bàsiques

HDL particle size and cholesterol content in Heart Failure. Supplementary Material

  • Datos identificativos

    Identificador: PC:4147
    Amigó, Núria
    Supplementary material corresponding to the article entitled Particle Size and Cholesterol Content of circulating HDL correlate with Cardiovascular Death in Chronic Heart Failure.
  • Otros:

    Materia: Medicina
    Derechos de acceso: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
    Identificador del investigador: 0000-0002-0116-9145
    Publicado por (editorial): Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
    Publicaciones relacionadas: Teis, A., Cediel, G., Amigó, N., Julve, J., Aranyó, J., Andrés-Cordón, J., Puig-Jové, C., Castelblanco, E., Gual-Capllonch, F., Ferrer-Sistach, E., Vallejo, N., Juncà, G., López-Ayerbe, J., De Antonio, M., Domingo, M., Santiago-Vacas, E., Codina, P., Mauricio, D., Lupón, J., … Bayes-Genis, A. (2021). Particle size and cholesterol content of circulating HDL correlate with cardiovascular death in chronic heart failure. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 3141.
    Resumen: Supplementary material corresponding to the article entitled Particle Size and Cholesterol Content of circulating HDL correlate with Cardiovascular Death in Chronic Heart Failure.
    Departamento: Ciències Mèdiques Bàsiques
    DOI: 10.5061/dryad.g79cnp5n7
    Tipo de documento: info:eu-repo/semantics/other
    DOI de la publicación relacionada: 10.1038/s41598-021-82861-6
    Fecha alta repositorio: 2020-08-11
    Autor: Amigó, Núria
    Palabras clave: Particles, cholesterol, heartdisease
    Grupo de investigación: Metabolomics Interdisciplary Laboratory
    Año de publicación de la dataset: 2020
    Acción del progama de financiación: This research was supported by the Spanish MINECO coordinated project TensorChrom (Total2DChrom, ref. RTI2018-098577-B-C21 and TENSOMICS RTI2018-098577-B-C22). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 798038. Catalan AGAUR project (2018LLAV00072). MLL is thankful for her graduate fellowship from the URV PMF-PIPF program (ref. 2019PMF-PIPF-37). We would like to acknowledge the Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de la Informació de la Generalitat de Catalunya (expedient 2017 SGR 1721 and 2017 SGR 1119); the Comissionat per a Universitats i Recerca del DIUE de la Generalitat de Catalunya; and the European Social Fund (ESF). Additional financial support was provided by the Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC). IBEC and IISPV are members of the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya. CM is thankful for her pre-doctoral fellowship from the UB APIF program (ref. APIF_18_19).
    Título del conjunto de datos: HDL particle size and cholesterol content in Heart Failure. Supplementary Material
  • Palabras clave:

    Particles, cholesterol, heartdisease
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