Revistes Publicacions URV: Revista Internacional de Organizaciones = International Journal of Organizations > 2012

Regulating extended work shifts: conflict lines and challenges for trade unions

  • Identification data

    Identifier: RP:864
  • Authors:

    Olberg, Dag
  • Others:

    URV's Author/s: Olberg, Dag
    Keywords: ompressed working time, interest heterogeneity, trade unions, working time regulation
    Abstract: This article addresses working time schemes with highly concentrated work periods and comparatively extended work-breaks. In Norway illustrations are found in both the private and the public sector. These compressed shifts extend the limits regulated in law and collective agreements, yet they have proved popular among groups of employees. The main arguments for applying compressed shifts are presented. Outcomes are discussed in terms of interest heterogeneity and cross-pressure. Institutional settings and actual regulation practices are also addressed in a Nordic context.
    Journal publication year: 2012
    Publication Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion info:eu-repo/semantics/article
  • Keywords:

    ompressed working time, interest heterogeneity, trade unions, working time regulation
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