Author, as appears in the article.: Vives García, Maria
Keywords: Aula oberta
Abstract: In this article we want to present the views of students the secondary education, enrolled in open classroom in institutes of Catalonia, on some aspects of his teaching. These students give us their views on your stay in the classroom and the open classroom, highlighting measures of organizational, methodological and curricular, which in his opinion should be used to improve their teaching and providing, in view of the results, a series of educational suggestions. In this article we want to present the views of students the secondary education, enrolled in open classroom in institutes of Catalonia, on some aspects of his teaching. These students give us their views on your stay in the classroom and the open classroom, highlighting measures of organizational, methodological and curricular, which in his opinion should be used to improve their teaching and providing, in view of the results, a series of educational suggestions. En el present article volem donar a conèixer les opinions d’alumnes d’Educació Secundària Obligatòria, matriculats a les aules obertes d’instituts de Catalunya sobre alguns aspectes del seu ensenyament. Donem la veu a aquests alumnes que ens aporten la seva visió sobre la seva estada a l’aula ordinària i a l’aula oberta, destacant aquelles actuacions de tipus organitzatiu, metodològic i curricular que segons el seu parer; s’haurien de contemplar per a millorar el seu ensenyament i aportant, a la vista dels resultats obtinguts, una sèrie de suggeriments educatius.
Journal publication year: 2013
Publication Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion info:eu-repo/semantics/article