Revistes Publicacions URV: Triangle - llenguatge, literatura, computació> 2013

El título 'Deseos' en la obra de Marina Mayoral

  • Dades identificatives

    Identificador: RP:4397
  • Autors:

    Rodríguez Campillo, M. José
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    Autor segons l'article: Rodríguez Campillo, M. José
    Paraules clau: name
    Resum: The human communication process is characterized by the set of rational activities that are carried out and that allow us to not only get information from the environment through perception but to infer new knowledge from already acquired. According to Relevance Theory, from the time we receive a linguistic ostensive stimulus, the recipient's mind starts automatically dierent types of processes, starting with the most mechanical decoding (grammatical process) and followed by other inferential nature, since the disambiguation and assignment relating to the identication of the sender's intention (pragmatic process): understanding a sentence or a text depends not only on the meaning of their surface structure but its inner meaning, of what implicit, in short. Similarly, when we read a novel, see a lm or contemplate an event, according to Cognitive Principle of Relevance (PCR), the human mind maximizes relevance, ie in the overall process of understanding, select those items most relevant, those who follow the path of least resistance, and that summarize the event, the movie or the play. Based, as we say, in the innate ability that every human being has to draw inferences, inferring meanings and select the most relevant information, we will discuss the title of the latest novel by Marina Mayoral, wishes to see, after reading the book, whether or not it meets the expectations we had wrought.
    Any de publicació de la revista: 2013
    Tipus de publicació: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion info:eu-repo/semantics/article