Títol |
Data |
Advanced mathematical programming tools for alternative energy systems design | 2013-09-09 |
Advances in life cycle impact assessment of pesticides: methodological improvements and experimental studies | 2007-09-27 |
Ambient carbon dioxide capture and conversion via membranes | 2018-10-22 |
Amperometric enzyme-based detection of agriculturalpesticides on novel carbon nano-onion composites | 2018-11-23 |
Analysis of climate change impact on hydrological ecosystem services and water allocation in water scarce mediterranean river basins | 2014-04-03 |
Analysis of enhanced mixing by natural and forced convection with application to chemical reactor design | 2013-09-20 |
Anàlisi de la naturalesa de les estructures coherents en l'estela llunyana d'un cilindre. | 1997-01-21 |
A novel electrochemical platform based on screen printed carbon electrodes (SPCEs) for molecular diagnostics | 2020-04-23 |
Aplicació de tècniques ecotoxicològiques en diferents matrius ambientals. Viabilitat i complementarietat | 2012-11-23 |
Aplicación de las técnicas de modelización molecular al cálculo del equilibrio de fases de sistemas de multicomponentes y caracterización de materiales absorbentes | 2000-02-07 |
Aplicación de técnicas de ciclo de vida al diseño de un sistema de gestión de residuos urbanos para la ciudad de chihuahua | 2009-04-15 |
Application of Advanced Oxidation Processes in the Reclamation of Wastewaters from the Oil & Gas Sector | 2020-11-06 |
Application of dna binding protein tags as means for defined co-immobilization in biosensors | 2017-07-11 |
Application of infrared spectroscopy in mid-infrared range combined with multivariate analysis to study yeasts involved in wine production | 2015-11-12 |
Assessment of environmental and social impacts due to the inclusion of novel solutions for nutrient recovery: towards sustainability in agriculture | 2022-06-10 |
Assessment of the human health risks and toxicity associated to particles (PM10, PM2.5 and PM1), organic pollutants and metals around cement plants | 2018-03-21 |
Association of polymers and small solute molecules with phospholipid membranes | 2016-04-25 |
Autoanticossos contra receptors de folat i estat en folats a la població general, durant l'embaràs i efecte sobre la subfertilitat en dones | 2009-05-08 |
Autohydrolysis of agricultural by-products for the production of xylo-oligosaccharides. | 2006-09-29 |
Bacterial degradation of ethyl tert-butyl ether and study of the molecular mechanisms underlying its biodegradation | 2013-10-18 |
Bentonite fining during different white winemaking stages: effect on the chemical and sensory properties of the wine | 2013-09-10 |
Biofouling control in reverse osmosis membranes for water treatment | 2017-11-24 |
Bottom-up surface engineering for the construction of (bio) sensoring systems: design strategies and analytical applications | 2009-04-24 |
Bulk and interfacial properties of chain fluids: a molecular modelling approach | 2003-12-11 |
Cancer cell encapsulation | 2025-10-22T02:00:00Z |
Carbon-Based Membrane Bioreactors for the Anaerobic Decolorization of Dyes | 2022-03-17 |
Carbon molecular sieve membranes for gas separation | 2012-07-23 |
Catalyser production with microstructured components | 2012-02-09 |
Catalysts for steam reforming of Ethanol in a catalytic wall reactor | 2008-02-22 |
Catalytic aldol condensations of bio-derived aldehydes and ketones | 2024-05-18T02:00:00Z |
Catalytic azo dye reduction in advanced anaerobic bioreactors | 2010-06-18 |
Catalytic conversion of syngas to alcohols and hydrocarbons over transition metal-based micro/mesoporous catalysts | 2018-12-14 |
Catalytic Hydrogenation/Hydrogenolysis of Biomass-Derived Platform Chemicals | 2024-01-13T01:00:00Z |
Catalytic non-oxidative dehydrogenation and reactivity of biobased fatty acid derivatives | 2007-01-09 |
Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation Coupled with an Aerobic Treatment to Deal with Industrial Wastewater | 2006-06-26 |
Catalytic wet air oxidation of phenol in a trickle bed reactor: kinteics and reactor modelling. | 2003-02-14 |
Catalytic wet air oxidation of phenol over active carbon in fixed bed reactor: steady state and periodic operation | 2011-05-02 |
Characterization of a New Open Jet Wind Tunnel to Optimize and Test Vertical Axis Wind Turbines | 2017-11-17 |
Characterization of nanofibers produced by electrospinning for biomedical applications | 2025-11-15T01:00:00Z |
Chemistry of dawsonites and application in catalysis | 2010-02-18 |
Clean Energy Transition: Requirements, Realities, and Consequences | 2026-07-19T02:00:00Z |
Climate change impact on the photodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils | 2017-05-04 |
Coarse-Grained Mean-Field Simulations of Surfactant Micelles: Static and Dynamic Equilibrium Properties | 2016-09-20 |
Colloidal and molecular assemblies for bioengineering applications | 2007-12-20 |
Compact carbon-based membrane reactors for anaerobic biodegradation of azo-dyes from wastewater | 2016-11-11 |
Complex network approaches to small team analysis. Conflict and gender | 2014-01-08 |
Computational characterisation of metal oxide nanoparticles for hazard screening and risk assessment | 2019-11-22 |
Computer simulation of nanoparticles translocation through phospholipid membranes within single chain mean field approach | 2012-04-11 |
Computer simulations of Red Blood Cells and proteins interacting with nanostructured surfaces | 2018-10-31 |
Concentration of Osmotic Dehydration Solutions using Membrane Separation Processes | 2005-12-02 |
Contribution to the development of efficient algorithms for solving complex single-objective and multi-objective optimization models | 2014-10-17 |
Contribution to the development of mathematical programming tools to assist decision-making in sustainability problems | 2018-01-19 |
Contribution to the development of more sustainable process industries under uncertainty | 2016-02-08 |
Crystals growth and laser properties of Nd:CNGS and Yb:CNGS | 2018-07-13 |
Cyclodextrin-based supramolecular systems of emerging guests with pharmaceutical and environmental interest | 2022-06-27 |
Cyclotriveratrylene and Porphyrin Scaffolds for Molecular Recognition and Self-Assembly | 2015-02-17 |
Cynara cardunculus as an alternative crop for biodiesel production. | 2006-09-28 |
Data-driven soft-sensors for monitoring and fault diagnosis in wastewater treatment plants | 2020-12-10 |
Decision Building Information Modeling (BIM)-Supported Tools for a Fair Transition Towards More Environmentally Sustainable Buildings | 2024-01-02T02:00:00Z |
Decision making under the uncertainty of electricity market for scheduling and planning | 2025-06-29T02:00:00Z |
Desarrollo de nuevas formulaciones para su aplicación en el sector de la cosmética | 2018-09-21 |
Desarrollo de una bomba de calor de absorción a gas con fluidos orgánicos e intercambiadores de placas | 2001-07-26 |
Desarrollo metodológico de evaluación ambiental en el análisis de procesos | 2004-05-24 |
Design and implementation of a competency-based educational model in an academic organization | 2005-10-11 |
Design and optimization of a resin technology system for the elimination of oil from industrial wastewater | 2020-12-16 |
Design and synthesis of novel bio-nanohybrid materials: catalytic applications in reactions of interest to the fine-chemical/pharmaceutical industries | 2012-02-13 |
Design of biosensor exploiting conformational changes in biomolecules | 2008-10-23 |
Design of Sustainable Refrigerants by multi-scale Modeling | 2024-10-22 |
Despolimerización de lignina para su aprovechamiento en adhesivos para producir tableros de partículas. | 2006-06-27 |
Detection of coeliac disease predisposition using dna biosensor arrays | 2012-07-02 |
Determinación del equilibrio líquido-vapor de agua, aromáticos y sus mezclas mediante simulación molecular | 2002-10-04 |
Development and Application of Colorimetric Assays and Electrochemical Biosensors in Seafood Safety | 2018-03-22 |
Development and applications of molecular modeling techniques for the characterization of porous materials. | 2002-12-13 |
Development and characterization of bioartificial polysulfone membranes for proton transport applications | 2018-05-23 |
Development and optimization of catalytic membrane reactors for wastewater treatments | 2016-02-26 |
Development of advanced mathematical programming methods for supply chain management | 2013-03-18 |
Development of advanced mathematical programming methods for sustainable engineering and system biology | 2014-03-28 |
Development of an electrochemical sensor for coeliac disease serological markers | 2012-11-28 |
Development of a novel catalytic membrane reactor: application in wastewater treatment | 2013-06-04 |
Development of bioanalytical devices for the detection of ciguatoxins and the ciguatoxin producing genera Gambierdiscus and Fukuyoa | 2022-02-24 |
Development of diagnostic platform for detection of biological agents and toxic microalgae using isothermal amplification | 2017-11-17 |
Development of displacement electrochemical inmunosensors: the case of 2,4,6-trichloroanisole | 2007-12-12 |
Development of DNA-based assays for the detection of Trichomonas vaginalis | 2026-11-20T01:00:00Z |
Development of DNA Detection Bioassays Based on DNA Binding Proteins | 2025-11-23T01:00:00Z |
Development of electrochemical biosensors and solid-phase amplification methods for the detection of human papillomavirus genes | 2012-05-03 |
Development of electrochemical DNA sensors based on the incorporation ferrocene labelled dATP | 2019-11-25 |
Development of environmental tools for the management of sewage sludge on agricultural soils | 2011-02-18 |
Development of hybrid silica membrane material for molecular sieve applications | 2013-10-10 |
Development of new materials for hydrogen generation and wastewater treatment by photcatalysis | 2019-09-27 |
Development of novel catalytic materials for removal of emerging organic pollutants by advanced oxidation processes (AOPS) | 2014-12-12 |
Different biomass conversion strategies for valuable chemical production | 2017-09-28 |
Direct formulation of solid foods with grape phenolics: studies on mass transfer and antioxidant capacity | 2009-03-17 |
Direct Label-free Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Analysis of Nucleic Acids | 2017-06-08 |
Diseño de un sistema de dos etapas para el tratamiento y revalorización in situ de efluentes procedentes de la industria del petróleo y gas | 2021-02-12 |
Distillation strategies: a key factor to obtain spirits with specific organoleptic characteristics | 2018-06-08 |
DNA-based assays and biosensors for the detection of toxic microalgae and viruses in the marine environment | 2019-09-17 |
Driving towards sustainability: Decision support tools to guide the energy transition in the transport sector | 2025-01-28T01:00:00Z |
Economic and environmental viability of central solar heating plants with seasonal storage in the European residential sector: A systematic multi-objective optimization approach | 2018-10-17 |
Efectes neuroconductuals de l'exposició oral a alumini en un model animal de la malaltia d'alzheimer | 2011-07-13 |
Electrical Properties and Surface Characterization of Thin Copper Films Subjected to Mechanical Vibrations | 2021-01-11 |
Electrochemically actuated capillary flow control for the development of integrated microfluidic devices | 2013-03-21 |
Electrochemically controlled patterning for biosensor arrays. | 2006-12-14 |
Electrochemically deposited metal nanostructures for application in genosensors | 2009-12-17 |
Electrospraying of polymer solutions for the generation of micro-particles, nano-structures, and granular films | 2016-01-28 |
Electrospray scale-up for the production of particles of pharmaceutical interest | 2018-10-18 |
Emulsion-based encapsulation systems stabilized with insect proteins: Production with premix microporous emulsification | 2021-12-02 |
Encapsulating lipid structures: preparation and application in biosensors, nanoparticles synthesis and controlled release | 2011-03-14 |
Encapsulation of omega-3 fatty acids by premix membrane emulsification | 2013-11-08 |
Endocrine disruption assessment: exposure, biomonitoring and potential activity of widespread endocrine disruptors during pregnancy and early stages of life | 2020-05-25 |
Engineering biocompatible surfaces from the nano to the micro scale | 2008-07-09 |
Enhanced excess sludge digestion using thermal and chemical petreatments | 2013-07-18 |
Environmental damage estimations in industrial process chains | 2002-04-19 |
'Environmental Diagnosis of Process Plants by Life Cycle Techniques' | 2006-04-27 |
Environmental levels of PAHs and other SVOCs in a petrochemical area. Combining monitoring and modelling tools | 2018-02-02 |
Environmental Management In Agriculture Based On Water And Climate Change Assessments: Tools For Decision Making By Life Cycle Approach | 2013-04-29 |
Environmental Risk Assessment by Microplastics pollution on Catalonia coastal areas | 2023-05-25 |
Environmental risk assessment in the mediterranean region using artificial neural networks | 2012-04-27 |
Environmental tax on products and services based on their carbon footprint: the case of Spain | 2013-03-15 |
Estabilización proteica de vinos blancos mediante adsorción en columnas de relleno | 2002-10-07 |
Estudi de lisogènia de leuconostoc oenos i incidència dels bacterioags sobre fermentació malolàctica del vi | 1994-10-07 |
Estudi de variables d'operació en el coprocessat de lignit i efecte de la desmineralització | 1993-06-29 |
Estudio cinético de la hidrotermólisis de compuestos modelo de lignina en agua sub- y supercrítica | 2004-03-12 |
Estudio numérico y experimental de flujo Rayleigh-Bénard en cavidades cúbicas para régimen transitorio y turbulento | 2005-09-30 |
Evaluation of portable vibrational spectroscopy equipment combined with multivariate analysis for food applications | 2024-06-06T02:00:00Z |
Experimental and numerical investigation of the flow in a toroidal cavity | 2002-09-30 |
Exploratory search for relevant features of the impact of leadership on team performance | 2010-06-18 |
Exploring the economic and environmental implications of integrating carbon capture in biorefinery systems | 2024-09-13 |
Extraction and valorization of cellulose from municipal and industrial waste biomass | 2020-09-04 |
Framework for sustainability assessment of industrial processes with multi-scale technology at design level: microcapsules production process | 2009-05-28 |
Functional oligonucleotide recognition nanomodules for electrochemical DNA biosensors | 2002-10-17 |
Gasification of biomass and solid recovered fuels (SRFs) for the synthesis of liquid fuels | 2017-07-07 |
Geología sedimentaria y lugares de ocupación prehistóricos de la cueva de maltravieso (Cáceres, España) | 2011-05-20 |
Global optimization applied to kinetic models of metabolic networks | 2012-11-27 |
Heterogeneous Catalytic and Photocatalytic Nitrate Abatement in Drinking Water Using Agpt and Pdsn Supported on Titania Nanocatalysts. Éliminitation du Nitrate dans l'eau Potable par Catalyse Hétèrogène et Photocatalyse au Moyen de Nanocatalyseurs AgPt et | 2016-12-16 |
Homogeneous and heterogeneous aqueous phase oxidation of phenol with fenton-like processes | 2014-07-22 |
Hybrid materials: discovering properties and mechanisms | 2016-05-11 |
Hydrodechlorination of chlorinated organic wastes over pd supported mixed oxide catalysts | 2011-07-01 |
Hydrotalcite-like compounds for the valorisation of renewable feedstocks | 2012-05-18 |
Improvement of monte carlo algorithms and intermolecular potencials for the modelling of alkanois, ether thiophenes and aromatics | 2007-10-05 |
Influence of a packed distillation column on volatile composition and sensory profile of spirit drin | 2014-09-22 |
Input-output analysis for use in life cycle assessment: introduction to regional modelling | 2007-06-22 |
Insight in the thin-film pollyamide membrane structure after compaction | 2016-11-07 |
In silico modeling of chemical and biological interactions at different scales | 2016-10-17 |
Integració de cicles d'absorció en xarxes d'energia de plantes de procès | 1999-05-11 |
Integrating Computational Tools to Address the Thermophysical Behavior of Deep Eutectic Solvents in Gas Separation Applications | 2024-09-17 |
Integrating pretreatment techniques in a 'benign-by-design strategy' in the context of biomass valorization | 2021-12-20 |
Integration of Flotation Technologies and Advanced Oxidation Processes for Oil and Gas and Desalination Industries Effluents Reuse | 2017-05-19 |
Integrative Systems Toxicology For Human Health | 2018-12-03 |
Interacció entre les estructures de flux i el transport de matèria. Aplicació a un doll pla turbulent. | 2003-07-04 |
Keplerates: from Electronic Structure to Dynamic Properties | 2015-12-04 |
KHCO3/CO2 ELECTROREDUCTION FOR FUEL CELL APPLICATIONS: Reaction and reactor optimization, prototyping with 3D printing and automatic testing. | 2021-10-27 |
Low-energy high-throughput microporous emulsification for lemon oil encapsulation | 2020-05-11 |
Material Flow Analysis and environmental impacts assessment of the construction sector in Brazil | 2016-11-08 |
Mathematical modelling to aid in the transition towards more sustainable buildings | 2020-06-10 |
Mathematical programming for energetic, economic and environmental optimization of building design | 2016-10-19 |
Membrane emulsification to encapsulate beet by-product extract and probiotic | 2026-09-03T02:00:00Z |
Membrane fouling characterization by confocal scanning laser microscopy | 2009-04-01 |
Metodología para el retrofit de procesos químicos basada en una representación jerárquica | 2005-04-07 |
Microalgae downstream processing and economical approaches of biodiesel producton processes | 2013-03-22 |
Microplastics: An Emerging Contaminant in Environmental Compartments - A Comprehensive Analysis of Distribution and Environmental Impact | 2023-12-14 |
Model d'Avaluació del Risc sobre la Salut. Aplicació als residents a les rodalies de la incineradora de Montcada i Reixac. | 2002-10-30 |
Modeling the reserve osmosis processes performance using artificial neural networks | 2007-11-14 |
Modelització i simulació numérica del transport no isotèrmic de l'aigua i de compostos orgànics volàtils en la zona no saturada del sòl | 2002-10-03 |
Modelling, monitoring and control of reverse somsis desalination plants using data-based techniques | 2014-05-15 |
Modelling of self-organizaton of microtubules in plant cells | 2014-04-24 |
Modelos QSPR/QSAR/QSTR basados en sistemas neuronales cognitivos | 2002-09-16 |
Modification of Poly(vinyl alcohol) film to maximize barrier properties | 2019-11-11 |
Molecular and supramolecular surface modification tools for highly sensitive amperometric and electrochemiluminescent biosensors. | 2015-01-15 |
Molecular Modeling of Self-Assembling Hybrid Materials | 2007-10-19 |
Molecular simulation of mixtures in lipid bilayers | 2018-07-16 |
Molecular tools for the rapid and cost-effective detection of small molecules | 2021-10-18 |
Monodisperse Polymeric Micro and Nanoparticles by Electrospray Technologies | 2026-02-08T01:00:00Z |
Multiperiod modelling planning and productivity and energy efficient assessment of an industrial gases facility | 2018-11-05 |
Multiplexed detection of SNPs using electrochemical melting curve analysis | 2021-01-27 |
Multiregional sustainability at a sectoral level: Towards more effective environmental regulations | 2018-11-19 |
Multi-tier framework for the inferential measurement and data-driven modeling | 2007-07-13 |
Nanomaterials in Catalysis: Study of Model Reactions. | 2007-04-13 |
Network and information-theoretic studies on the effects of research environment in scientific careers: geography, prominence and gender | 2023-06-19 |
Network inference based on stochastic block models: model extensions, inference approaches and applications | 2016-11-24 |
Neuroblastoma cell-based tools for the detection of marine VGSC-blocking neurotoxins | 2025-03-16T02:00:00Z |
New basic catalysts for fine chemicals synthesis | 2010-06-28 |
New catalytic advanced oxidation processes for wastewater treatment | 2011-04-13 |
New Electrochemical Sensors for Decentralized Analysis | 2016-10-14 |
New methodologies for environmentally friendly microcapsule design | 2024-07-05 |
New methods in the study of problems in Statistical Mechanics and Stochastic Processes | 2025-02-14T01:00:00Z |
New perspectives on organitzational design based on the analysis of complex communication networks | 2002-12-20 |
New techniques for the fabrication of biosensors based on nad (P) + dependent dehydrogenases | 2005-01-28 |
Next generation molecular diagnostic electrochemical platforms | 2026-11-21T01:00:00Z |
Novel anaerobic packed-bed reactor application for wastewater remediation | 2017-02-24 |
Novel polymeric membrane for artificial photosynthesis | 2022-07-12 |
Novel uses of attenuated total reflectance infrared microspectroscopy combined with multivariate analysis in food processing | 2013-06-14 |
Nuevas rutas más respetuosas con el medio ambiente para la síntesi de 2-feniletanol y óxido de estireno | 2005-07-22 |
Numerical and experimental study of flow and wall mass transfer rates in capillary driven flows in microfluidic channels | 2009-12-15 |
Numerical and experimental study of steady and unsteady mixed convection flow in a cubical open cavity with the bottom wall heated | 2016-09-12 |
Numerical simulation of fluid dynamics and transport phenomena in electrostatically charged volatile sprays | 2014-07-10 |
Obtenció de membranes polimèriques selectives | 2005-10-13 |
Oligonucleotide Based-Biosensors for Label-Free Electrochemical Protein and DNA Detection. | 2006-11-24 |
On the development of decision-making systems based on fuzzy models to assess water quality in rivers | 2008-04-17 |
Optical methods for ultrafast screening of microorganisms | 2017-06-07 |
Optimal design of sustainable chemical processes via a combined simulation-optimization approach | 2012-12-19 |
Optimisation of wastewater treatment at ecoparc 2 | 2017-11-17 |
Optimization and control of feb-batch fermentation processes by using artificial neural systems | 2002-12-16 |
Optimization of ultrafiltration membrane cleaning processes. Pretreatment for reverse osmosis in seawater desalination plants | 2013-03-05 |
Peroxide promoted catalytic wet air oxidation of phenolic aqueous solutions using activated carbon as catalyst | 2007-07-30 |
Phenol oxidation catalysed by polymer-supported metal complexes | 2009-07-24 |
Photosensitive polymers and their application | 2020-06-19 |
Physico-chemical properties of polymers at interfaces | 2002-12-16 |
Polycarbodiimide synthesis optimization and its application as polymer stabilizer against degradation processes | 2017-10-10 |
Porous GaN produced by CVD: progress in development and characterization | 2017-11-02 |
Potential of blanquilla pear variety to produce pear spirits:influence of the fermentation and distillation conditions in the final quality of the spirits | 2008-10-21 |
Pre-concentration strategies for microalgae harvesting as biorefinery process chain | 2013-06-14 |
Predicció de coeficients de pressió mitjançant xarxes neuronals artificials | 2010-02-08 |
Preparación, caracterización y aplicaciones de Carbones activados preparados a partir de lignina Kraft. | 2006-09-26 |
Preparación y caracterización de nuevos catalizadores activos en la hidrodecloración selectiva de CFCs y HCFCs. | 2002-10-11 |
Preparation and characterization of proton exchange membranes for direct methanol fuel cells | 2005-11-17 |
Preparation and characterization of psf/vanillin capsules | 2012-07-06 |
Preparation and characterization of surfaces modified with carbon nano-onions. Biomedical and environmental applications | 2021-01-29 |
Preparation, characterization and electroanalytical applications of carbon nano-onion modified surfaces. | 2015-09-25 |
Preparation of Methylcellulose from Annual Plants | 2005-09-30 |
Priorat vineyard vulnerability and water stress assessment in the context of global climate change. Estimated Priorat wine consumption in humans | 2021-07-22 |
Producció i caracterització de microcàpsules polimèriques | 2013-03-04 |
Producción d Tableros de fibras a partir de Miscanthus Sinensis | 2002-07-05 |
Producción y caracterización de biodiesel de palma y de aceite reclicado mediante un proceso batch y un proceso continuo con un reactor helicoidal | 2010-05-28 |
Production of Homogeneous Particles by Controlled Neutralization of Electrosprays | 2022-01-13 |
Production of laccases by the white-rot fungus trametes pubescens for their potential application to synthetic dye treatment | 2009-10-30 |
Propiedades Termofísicas de nuevos fluidos de trabajo (H2O+LiBr+LiNO3+LiC1, NH3+H2O y NH3+H2O+KOH) para sistemas de refrigeración por absorción | 2005-07-28 |
Quantitative large-scale analysis of judicial decisions: judicial disruption and practices | 2024-05-15T01:00:00Z |
Quantitative structure fate relationships for multimedia environmental analysis | 2010-05-26 |
Quantitative Systems Toxicology Modeling for Neuronal Adverse Outcome | 2022-09-07 |
Real-time aptapcr: a novel approach exploiting nucleic acid aptamers for ultrasensitive detection of analytes for clinical diagnostic and in food analysis | 2012-04-19 |
Revalorización energética de residuos térmicos mediante ciclos de compresión mecánica de vapor con circuito de solución | 2005-09-29 |
Ruthenium polypyridyl complexes as photosensitizers for molecular photovoltaic devices: influence of the dye structure and the presence of additives to the device performance | 2010-10-21 |
Selection, characterisation and analytical application of dna aptamer against the anaphylactic toxic allergen, b-conglutin, lup an 1 | 2012-07-12 |
Selection of aptamers against prostate specific antigen for diagnostic and therapeutic applications | 2012-06-26 |
Selection of high affinity and specific aptamer and its' use in different applications for the detection of the anaphylactic b-conglutin allergen | 2016-04-21 |
Selective Hydrogenation Catalysts For Environmental Processes: Nitrate And Chlorocompounds Removal | 2009-03-13 |
Semi-amorphous carbon nitride films derived from soluble polymeric precursors: towards multifunctional electrochemical coatings with enhanced stability | 2022-05-16 |
Separation processes in microalgae biorefining | 2014-10-15 |
Smart Controlled Release Membranes | 2020-07-17 |
Síntesi, caracterització i activitat catalítica de noves formulacions de catalitzadors de coure, níquel i zinc, estables en la reacció d'oxidació de fenol i 2-clorofenol en fase aquosa amb reactors trifàsics | 2003-07-02 |
Síntesi i caracterització de materials bàsics i la seva aplicació en reaccions d'interés industrial | 2005-11-25 |
Síntesis de carboximetilcelulosa (CMC) a partir de pastas de plantas anuales | 2002-06-28 |
Soft computing approaches to uncertainty propagation in environmental risk mangement | 2008-06-19 |
Solvent stable microcapsules for controlled release of actives | 2020-12-13 |
Statistical inference in bipartite networks applied to social dilemmas and human microbial systems | 2020-01-09 |
Statistical tools for classification, interpretation and prediction of biological data | 2017-09-14 |
Stimuli-responsive membranes for targeted delivery of actives | 2020-03-06 |
Strategies to increase the cell-to-electrode electron transfer of bioanodes for their application in cellular-based biophotovoltaics | 2024-07-08T02:00:00Z |
Structural Pattern Recognition for Chemical-Compound Virtual Screening | 2021-11-12 |
Study of a torus bioreactor for the enzymatic elimination of phenol | 2008-06-19 |
Study of RBC shape transitions induced by nanoparticles | 2019-07-08 |
Study of surface chemistry strategies to enhance the electrochemical detection of proteins and DNA markers | 2017-02-03 |
Supramolecular nanoarchitectures based on cyclodextrin host-guest interactions | 2014-06-26 |
Sustainability assessment within the residential building sector: a practical life cycle method applied in a developed and a developing country | 2009-12-18 |
Sustainable and adhesive-free lignocellulosic fiberboards from steam exploded Arundo donax L | 2023-07-12 |
Sustainable production of hydrogen and chemical commodities from biodiesel waste crude glycerol and cellulose by biological and catalytic processes | 2013-09-20 |
Synthesis and characterization of nickel-based mixed oxides for ethanol steam reforming | 2015-11-20 |
Synthesis, characterization and theoretical calculations of ZnTiO3 for the adsorption and photocatalytic removal of Methylene Blue dye | 2022-03-29 |
Systematic tools based on data envelopment analysis for the life cycle sustainability evaluation of technologies | 2017-06-19 |
Tailored chemical oxidation techniques for the abatement of bio-toxic organic wastewater pollutants: an experimental study | 2004-03-16 |
Tailoring activated carbons as catalyst for catalytic wet air oxidation of phenol | 2008-06-19 |
Tailoring Insect Proteins for Emulsification: Modification Approaches and Applications | 2026-11-22T01:00:00Z |
Technical and economic feasibility study of Metal 3D Printing in the Chemical Industry: Application to pump impellers | 2023-03-20 |
Temperature modulated genosensor for detection of cystic fibrosis mutations | 2010-03-11 |
The potential of sewage sludge and microalgae: 'green energy' production and environment benefits | 2016-04-12 |
Thermochemical Valorisation of residual biomass to High Value Molecules and Energy | 2024-03-18 |
Thermodynamics and remediation techniques for fuel oxygenates | 2008-11-07 |
Thermodynamic studies and applications of polymeric membranes to fuel cells and microcapsules | 2007-06-21 |
Three-Dimentional Laser Writing of Mid-Infrared Waveguides Circuits in Lithium Niobate Crystal | 2017-09-08 |
Towards the application of the isogeometric boundary element analysis to fluid mechanics: non-linear gravity waves and dynamics of deformable capsules in shear flows | 2017-01-19 |
Transitions in Bayesian model selection problems: Network-based recommender system and symbolic regression | 2021-12-01 |
Transport anb Structural Properties of Aqueous Solutions of Organic Solvents. | 2003-10-17 |
Transporte no pasivo de compuestos orgánicos volátiles en la zona no saturada. | 2007-02-23 |
Treatment of biorefractory wastewater through membrane-assisted oxidation processes | 2010-02-18 |
Ultrafast electrohydrodynamic 3D printing with submicrometer resolution | 2020-07-16 |
Unlimiting thermodynamic constraints in continuous catalytic transformation of carbon dioxide and methanol towards dimethyl carbonate | 2016-12-16 |
Unraveling the Dynamics and Equilibrium Behavior of Pure and Mixed Micelles: Insights from Microscopic coarse-grain modeling | 2023-04-28 |
Unveiling the Potential: Exploring Gelation Mechanisms in Alginate Beads Crosslinked with Calcium, Copper and Zinc and their Versatile Applications in Agriculture and Biomedicine | 2023-10-23 |
Vida y comportamiento catalíticos en la conversión de metanol a hidrocarburos en condiciones cercanas a las supercríticas | 2004-02-13 |
Wake behind a discontinuous cylinder: Unveiling the role of the large scales in wake growth and entrainment | 2022-04-28 |
White wine continuous protein stabilisation: industrial viablity | 2008-01-25 |
Whole Life Sustainability Assessment at the Building Industry and Constructed Assets, through the Whole Life Costing Assessment and Life Cycle Costing Assessment evaluating the economic and financial aspects | 2019-07-08 |