Identificador: TDX:1494
Boquera Margalef, Montserrat
The relation between the local population and the river has suffered deep transformations along the 20th century, which, unavoidably, it has influenced on the perception and signification that this population kept on giving in the Ebre.At the beginning of century, the river was a useful resource: communication route, source of raw materials, of hydraulic energy, of water for irrigation and domestic use and, even, place of celebrations and ludic ceremonies. There were some professions that implied an important occupation of the fluvial environment: 'llaüters', 'raiers', 'barquers', fishermen and canal guards (or 'canaleros'). They shared a same space and their interests were sometimes opposed. This intense activity in the river inevitably generated a rich sociability and converted the Ebre into one of the main places where the personal relations were developed.Later, some factors, that culminate in the 60's of the 20th century, caused the Ebre's forget: the navigation decadence; the fishing disappearance, that of the basket makers and of the 'canyissers'; the introduction of the running water in home... The river did not exist; for twenty or thirty years the 'riberencs turn away from the river'. People do not speak about the river: it does not have beneficial effects but either it does not have negatives (the reservoirs constructions have reduced drastically the floods). On the other hand, the process involves also an undervalue and a contempt of the Ebre, based on the coming of the pollution consciousness and of environment ruin. In the 90's the river takes value again. It is a different value: now it is a touristic resource. The 'Pla de Navegabilitat' is unsuccessful and their results are debatable, but it will begin this trend, which will be consolidated by different