Identificador: TDX:566
Gutiérrez Pardina, Eva
The Four Sides of Hermes in Flavia Company's Narrative WorkThe purpose of this thesis is the study of Flavia Company Navau's narrative work written until the year 2000. In the introduction, her poetic work is also briefly mentioned, as well as two children's tales, one poetic prose book and another one of short stories published in the press.It answers a double goal: on the one side, to discover the main characteristic themes in the author's narrative work and, on the other side, to determine if it is possible to identify a clear division between the narrative work previous to the novel Melalcor and the ones written after it.The thesis is organized in a methodological introduction and an introduction to the subject ('Acercamiento biográfico y literario a Flavia Company', translated as 'Biographic And Literary Approach To Flavia Company'), followed by four chapters. Each one of them is related to four characteristics of god Hermes: his ability to lie, his role as the messenger of the gods, his relation with alchemy and his androgynous and/or hermaphrodite side.In chapter one, ('El rostro y la máscara' (Mundos ficcionales, estética de la recepción, verdad y mentira en la novelística de Flavia Company), translated as 'The Face And The Mask' (Unreal worlds, Reader-response Criticism, Truth And Lies In Flavia Company's Novels)) studies on hermeneutics, on reader-response criticism and theories about unreal worlds have been used on the study of the author's narrative work. In chapter two ('La carta en la producción narrativa de Flavia Company' translated as 'The Letter in Flavia Company's Narrative Works'), the bibliography is based on personal letters. To write chapter three ('Alquimia, mito y ritos de iniciación en algunas novelas de Flavia Company' translated as 'Alchemy,