Tesis doctorals> Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia

Riesgo cardiovascular y composición corporal medida con impedancia Bioeléctrica.

  • Dades identificatives

    Identificador: TDX:620
    Dalmau Llorca, Ma. Rosa
    AIM: Evaluate the relationship between Framingham coronary risk and body composition (percentage of body grease) measured by bioelectrical impendance.SECONDARY AIMS: Know the variables which determine an increase in coronary risk.Know the relationship between body composition (body grease percentage) and physical exercise.Know the relationship between body composition (body grease percentage) and life quality.MATERIAL AND METHODSTUDY DESIGNMulticentral transversal descriptive study to know the main variables, coronary risk, body composition (% measured by bioelectrical impendance, OMRON BF 300® ), life quality (EuroQol-5D) physical exercise (LTPA) and classical risk factors (arterial hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, smoking) from spontaneous interviews with patients at the level of primary health attention, from June 2004 to January 2006.SUBJECTS; N: 182, n1=91 high coronary risk subjects, according to Framingham (HCR) and n2=91 low coronary risk subjects, according to Framingham (LCR). We applied the necessary subject number tables for comparison of two measures by means of the t- student-Fisher proof and to detect a difference of %GC=5% and a standard deviation 9,1with α= 0.05 and β=0.05 and we adjusted the number of subjects to count a probable loss of 20%, LCR n=90 and HCR=90, being N=180 the final number of subjects.INCLUSION CRITERIA: 34-74 year old subjects, without any previous cardiovascular illness, who are in three different health areas,EXCLUSION CRITERIAPatients who suffer from active neoplasic illness, terminal chronic illness or degenerative neurological illness, which may condition patients´ body composition. Patients with previous cardiovascular illness < 34 year old and >74 year old because it was impossible to calculate the co
  • Altres:

    Data: 2007-05-18
    Departament/Institut: Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
    Idioma: spa
    Identificador: urn:isbn:9788469075876 http://hdl.handle.net/10803/8842
    Font: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
    Autor: Dalmau Llorca, Ma. Rosa
    Director: Llor i Vilà, Carles Bladé, J. (Joan)
    Format: application/pdf
    Editor: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    Paraula Clau: riesgo cardiovascular impedancia bioeléctrica
    Títol: Riesgo cardiovascular y composición corporal medida con impedancia Bioeléctrica.
    Matèria: 616.1 - Patologia del sistema circulatori, dels vasos sanguinis. Trastorns cardiovasculars 61 - Medicina
  • Paraules clau:

    616.1 - Patologia del sistema circulatori, dels vasos sanguinis. Trastorns cardiovasculars
    61 - Medicina
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