Tesis doctorals: Departament d'Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys

44 results.
Title Date
An experimental study of coarticulation in american english V+/l/ and V+/r/ sequences2016-02-09
A quantitative study of translation difficulty based on an analysis of text features in japanese-to-english short-passage translation tests2016-02-02
A social theory of bilingual adaptations: How language experience and linguistic register variation modulate the processing of agreement attraction errors2024-05-21
Communicative translation in foreign-language teaching and learning2017-07-07
Comprehension of legal discourse in interpreter-mediated judicial proceedings2016-01-25
Cultural specificity in the translation of popular fiction from english into croatian during the socialist and transition periods (1960-2010)2012-09-25
Efectos de la aplicación de estrategias no curriculares para la mejora de la comprensión lectora en segundas lenguas en alumnos de educación primaria. Un estudio de casos múltiple2014-04-11
EFL Textbooks and Teachers’ Potential for Promoting Intercultural Competence: A Mixed Methods Research in Palestinian State Schools2025-11-20T01:00:00Z
English as a Foreign Language through Whole Brain Teaching in Primary School2016-07-15
Explicit Rules or Implicit Imitation: A Comparative Study of Two Approaches to Teaching English Prosody to Chinese Adult EFL Learners2024-02-12
Gender Differences in SMS Code-Switching by Lebanese Undergraduates2017-07-17
How users read translated web pages: occupational and purpose-based differences2016-02-01
Instructional strategies for enhancing learning disabled students' reading comprehension and comprehension test performance2014-12-12
Integrating Information Technology in theTeaching/Learning of English Pronunciation in the Classroom: Designing and Implementing an Online Course to Teach Word and Sentence Stress to Tertiary Level Students.2019-09-09
International knowledge transfer in turkey the consecutive interpreter's role in context2011-06-27
La adaptación de los aspectos culturales en los manuales de e/le para la enseñanza del español en argelia.2014-12-16
La historia de vida como herramienta de mejora de los cuidados gerontológicos2016-01-29
Non-standard spanish in the united states and translation norm behavior: a study of hospital and court interpreters2016-01-12
Personification in translators' performances2019-07-11
Postediting machine translation output and its revision: subject-matter experts versus professional translators2013-10-24
Productivity and quality in the post-editing of outputs from translation memories and machine translation2012-09-24
Quan els jutges (no) confien en els intèrprets: anàlisi d'un corpus de procediments penals2022-07-05
Risk management by trainee translators: a study of translation procedures and justifications in peer-group interaction2012-06-20
Signaled and tested skills in the recruitment processes of translators in Portugal2022-09-15
Simone de beauvoir in Turkey: (her)story of a translational journey2016-01-27
Spanish Stop Lenition and the Temporal Dimension: An Acoustic Approach2024-06-07
Subtitled television series inside the efl classroom: long-term effects upon colloquial language learning and oral production2016-02-05
The Acquisition of Implicit Knowledge by Chinese & Spanish EFL Learners: Experimental Studies on Grammatical Errors in Egnlish questions and Pedagogical Implications2023-03-07
The Hellenic World of Henry Miller and Lawrence Durrell2016-02-10
The Implementation of Educational Texting as an Instructional Facilitator in the Iranian EFL Context2022-07-12
The interpreter's involvement in a translated institution: a case study of sermon interpreting2016-01-26
The Introduction of Rhythm Instruction in the English as a Foreign Language Classroom to Improve the Comprehensibility and Fluency of English for Specific Purposes Students2019-10-11
The nominal in light verb constructions: a corpus-based study in present-day English, German, Catalan and Spanish2024-05-15T11:22:00Z
The past, memory and trauma in young adult dystopian writing2016-01-25
The role of revision in english-spanish software localization2015-12-18
The Role of Translation in Foreign-Language Teaching2017-09-26
The translating, rewriting and reproducing of Haruki Murakami for the anglophone market2013-07-03
Tracking the discourse of nationalism: the falklands war anniversary in the british press2014-07-08
Training for the translation market in turkey: an analysis of curricula and stakeholders2013-10-24
Translating under time constraints in an undergraduate context: a study of students' products, processes and learning styles2012-07-10
Translation and post-bellum image building: korean translation into the us after the korean war2013-07-02
Translation at inter-governmental organizations the set of skills and knowledge required and the implications for recruitment testing2012-06-20
Translators as agents of lexical transfer: evidence from the standardization of curacaoan papiamentu2014-12-17