Tesis doctorals> Departament d'Història i Geografia

Tàrraco paleocristiana. El suburbi del francolí

  • Identification data

    Identifier: TDX:401
    López Vilar, Jordi
    This doctoral thesis is the result of my research work on the northern sector of the Francolí early-Christian site, the excavations of which I had the honour to direct under the auspices of the Rovira i Virgili University. Right from the start the exceptional importance of the site aroused my interest and that of the scientific community, both for the value of the remains themselves, as well as for their relationship with the extensive early-Christian necropolis excavated over various seasons by Monsignor Joan Serra Vilaró.I decided that it would be unscientific to limit the thesis to our own excavations. While it is true that the remains make up a complex that is independent from the necropolis of St Fructuosus, we cannot deny that between the two there is a relation so intimate that we should treat them as one site. I have made a detailed study of Serra Vilaro´s reports and publications, as well as of the work carried out by Maria Dolores del Amo, and I have focused specifically on the basilica and the large building located to the south that also contained a baptistery. Going through all that documentation has allowed me to redefine some very important points with respect to the interpretation of the temple excavated by Serra Vilaró. I make a new interpretation of the ground plan -redefining the transept and delimiting a possible counter-apse- and I propose an earlier chronology -around the year 400- coinciding in that case with the newly-excavated basilica. Thus we configure a period of great splendour in Christian building in the city that involves the creation of a large centre of martyrdom. Nevertheless, I have included the Francolí early-Christian complex within the western suburb of Tarraco and I have tried to give a view of the evolution of the urban topograph
  • Others:

    Date: 2004-10-19
    Departament/Institute: Departament d'Història i Geografia Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
    Language: cat
    Identifier: urn:isbn:9788469126547 http://hdl.handle.net/10803/8619
    Source: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
    Author: López Vilar, Jordi
    Director: Cortés Cortés, Rodolf Guitart i Duran, Josep, 1946-
    Format: application/pdf
    Publisher: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    Keywords: paleocristià tarraco fructuós arqueologia cristiana basílica
    Title: Tàrraco paleocristiana. El suburbi del francolí
    Subject: 93 - Història. Ciències auxiliars de la història. Història local
  • Keywords:

    93 - Història. Ciències auxiliars de la història. Història local
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