Tesis doctorals> Departament de Dret

Los mecanismos de control de la aplicación y del cumplimiento de los tratados internacionales multilaterales de protección del medio ambiente

  • Datos identificativos

    Identificador: TDX:1563
    Borràs Pentinat, Susana
    LOS MECANISMOS DE CONTROL DE LA APLICACIÓN Y DEL CUMPLIMIENTO DE LOS TRATADOS INTERNACIONALES MULTILATERALES DE PROTECCIÓN DEL MEDIO AMBIENTETesis presentada para aspirar al título de Doctor/a en Derecho por:Susana BORRÀS PENTINATRealizada bajo la dirección del Dr. Antoni Pigrau SoléCatedrático de Derecho Internacional Público yRelaciones Internacionales 2007Abstract:The PhD thesis, entitled 'Control Mechanisms on the implementation and compliance with Multilateral Environmental Treaties',constitutes an exhaustive analysis of the International Environmental Law contribution to International Law. One of such contributions is just the retrieval of the general international control theory and its adaptation to the new needs andcharacteristics of the International vironmental Law. From a formal analysis, the peculiarity ofsuch investigation consists of the observation of the whys and wherefores of the internationalcontrol applied to the concrete characteristics of International Environmental Law, and how itsuffers changes and adaptations when it is plied into this concrete material field, such is environmental law. From the identification of the common elements and those which are specific of each environmental regime, the investigation has oriented to a general and transectoral alysis of control mechanisms existing in the environmental protection field.The interests for studying and dealing with international control focused in the internationalenvironmental field are justified for the increasing environmental degradation and the need tointernationally respond to the serious environmental problems of which the international society isexposed. The economic growth based on the industrialization and the irrational exploitation ofnatural resources has reduced the natural capac
  • Otros:

    Fecha: 2007-07-17
    Departamento/Instituto: Departament de Dret Públic Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
    Idioma: spa
    Identificador: urn:isbn:9788469106525 http://hdl.handle.net/10803/8765
    Fuente: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
    Autor: Borràs Pentinat, Susana
    Director: Pigrau Solé, Antoni
    Formato: application/pdf
    Editor: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    Palabra clave: Dret Internacional del medi ambient mecanismes de control aplicació i compliment dels tractats internacional
    Título: Los mecanismos de control de la aplicación y del cumplimiento de los tratados internacionales multilaterales de protección del medio ambiente
    Materia: 341 - Dret internacional. Drets humans 34 - Dret
  • Palabras clave:

    341 - Dret internacional. Drets humans
    34 - Dret
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