Tesis doctorals> Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia

Dinámica del proceso de desarrollo y crecimiento a edades de inicio puberal normales, temprana en niñas y tardía en niños.

  • Datos identificativos

    Identificador: TDX:640
    Llop Viñolas, Maria Dolors
    Objectives: 1) To describe the characteristics of growth and pubertal development in girlsand boys with different ages of pubertal onset, including two frecuent clinical situations:advanced puberty in girls and delayed puberty in boys, 2) To describe the GnRH analoguestreatment effects in girls with advanced puberty, compared with a control group; 3) Todescribe the testosterone treatment effects in boys with delayed puberty compared with acontrol group.Patients and Methods: This project is composed of three studies, where children werestudied since the onset of puberty until the moment of attaintment of their final height. 1) Alongitudinal observational and prospective study, in 116 girls and 135 boys, with pubertalonset at 10-13 and 11-14 years of age respectively, grouped by age of pubertal onset. 2)Non-randomized clinical study in girls with advanced puberty (16 treated LHRH analogueduring 1 year and 16 control subjects) and 3) Non-randomized clinical study in boyswith delayed puberty (17 treated with testosterone during 6 months and 15 controlsubjects).In all the studies, we carried out anthropometric measurements (weight, height, skinfoldthicknesses and arm circumference) and we assessed pubertal maturation by means ofTanner stages. We calculated the body mass index, muscular area of the arm, the targetheight, the pubertal height growth (gain in height from the puberty onset up to the finalheight) and the pubertal duration (time in years from the puberty onset up to the age atwhich final height is attained). In boys, we analyzed the testicular volume and in girlsthe age of menarche. In the studies 2) and 3) we assessed the bone age and somehormonal analyses.Results and conclusions: 1) Both in girls and boys with different age of pubertal onset, thedifferent dynamic
  • Otros:

    Fecha: 2006-06-13
    Departamento/Instituto: Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
    Idioma: spa
    Identificador: urn:isbn:9788469075982 http://hdl.handle.net/10803/8862
    Fuente: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
    Autor: Llop Viñolas, Maria Dolors
    Director: Escribano Subías, Joaquín Vizmanos Lamotte, Bárbara Closa Monasterolo, Ricardo
    Formato: application/pdf
    Editor: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    Título: Dinámica del proceso de desarrollo y crecimiento a edades de inicio puberal normales, temprana en niñas y tardía en niños.
    Materia: 61 - Medicina
  • Palabras clave:

    61 - Medicina
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