Treballs Fi de Grau> Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys

Analysis of the translation of colloquialisms in Euphoria

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    Identificador: TFG:6185
  • Autors:

    Canela Garcia, Anna
  • Altres:

    Data d'alta al repositori: 2023-07-25
    Resum: Most shows we watch on TV are in reality a translation. Among what has to be translated we find colloquialisms, which might be difficult to translate due to differences in language and cultures. Therefore, it might be difficult to present a natural translation. The aim of this TFG was to analyse different colloquialisms from Euphoria and divide them depending of their type and translation strategy. Moreover, a survey was conducted to discover if the translation of Euphoria sounds natural. The results show that a great variety of translation strategies are used to translate colloquialisms. This wide variety is what makes that the translation of Euphoria sounds overall natural.
    Matèria: Filologia
    Idioma: en
    Àrees temàtiques: Filología Philology Filologia
    Departament: Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys
    Estudiant: Canela Garcia, Anna
    Curs acadèmic: 2021-2022
    Títol en diferents idiomes: Analysis of the translation of colloquialisms in Euphoria Analysis of the translation of colloquialisms in Euphoria Anàlisi de la traducció dels col·loquialisme a Euphoria
    Data de la defensa del treball: 2022-06-15
    Drets d'accés: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
    Paraules clau: Traducción, Coloquialismos, Euphoria Translation, Colloquialisms, Euphoria Traducció, Col·loquialismes, Euphoria
    Confidencialitat: No
    Crèdits del TFG: 9
    Títol en la llengua original: Analysis of the translation of colloquialisms in Euphoria
    Director del projecte: Puig Garcia, Sílvia
    Ensenyament(s): Anglès
    Entitat: Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
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