Treballs Fi de Grau> Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys

A Study of Masculinity in Wuthering Heights and The Picture of Dorian Gray

  • Dades identificatives

    Identificador: TFG:6194
  • Autors:

    Martí Ger, Aina
  • Altres:

    Data d'alta al repositori: 2023-07-25
    Resum: This dissertation is a literary analysis of Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights, and Dorian from The Picture of Dorian Gray. It has been analyzed whether the masculinity presented by Heathcliff and Dorian Gray is characterized by the fictional environments in which they concur (public or private). The importance or need to belong to a group and how this can affect masculinity has been studied, as well as if these two characters can be classified as Byronic heroes. The analysis demonstrates that what shaped masculinity in the 19th century English society, helped on the construction of these characters. It demonstrates that the setting in which the plot unfolds also contributes to the construction of masculinity in the characters. It also shows that both characters can be defined as Byronic Heroes.
    Matèria: Filologia
    Idioma: en
    Àrees temàtiques: Filologia Philology Filología
    Departament: Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys
    Estudiant: Martí Ger, Aina
    Curs acadèmic: 2021-2022
    Títol en diferents idiomes: Un estudio de la masculinidad en Cumbres borrascosas y El Retrato de Dorian Gray A Study of Masculinity in Wuthering Heights and The Picture of Dorian Gray Estudi de la masculinitat a Cims Borrascosos i El Retrat de Dorian Gray
    Data de la defensa del treball: 2022-06-17
    Drets d'accés: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
    Paraules clau: Literatura del segle XIX; Heatcliff; Dorian Gray; masculinitat; interrelacions. 19th century literature; Heathcliff; Dorian Gray; Masculinity; interrelationships. Literatura del siglo XIX; Heathcliff; Dorian Gray; Masculinidad; interrelaciones.
    Confidencialitat: No
    Crèdits del TFG: 9
    Títol en la llengua original: A Study of Masculinity in Wuthering Heights and The Picture of Dorian Gray
    Director del projecte: Ortells Nicolau, Xavier
    Ensenyament(s): Anglès
    Entitat: Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
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