Creation date in repository: 2022-02-01
Abstract: The thesis analyses Jane Eyre, from Charalotte Brönte's novel with the same name, and Feyre Archeron from Sarah J. Maas's A Court of Thorns and Roses to see if they complete the hero's journey, described by the seventeen stages in Joseph Campbell's theory of the Monomyth from his book The Hero With a Thousand Faces. The analysis is divided by the three phases suggested by Campbell, in which each has a different amount of stages that the heroines must follow in order to be considred Archetypal heroines. The analysis suggests, that both heroines are Arctehypal as they follow almost all the stages, and most importantly, they go through the three phases. It also showcases the differences and similarities amongst this heroines, as they belong to different genres and the novels where written in different periods. La tesi analitza Jane Eyre, de la novel·la homònima de Charalotte Brönte, i Feyre Archeron d'A Court of Thorns and Roses de Sarah J. Maas per veure si completen el viatge de l'heroi, descrit per les disset etapes de la teoria del monomite de Joseph Campbell del seu llibre L'heroi de les mil cares. L'anàlisi es divideix per les tres fases proposades per Campbell, en les quals cadascuna té una quantitat diferent d'etapes que les heroïnes han de seguir per ser considerades heroïnes arquetípiques. L'anàlisi suggereix que ambdues heroïnes són arquetípiques, ja que segueixen gairebé totes les etapes i, el més important, passen per les tres fases. També mostra les diferències i semblances entre aquestes heroïnes, ja que pertanyen a diferents gèneres i les novel·les es van escriure en diferents èpoques.
Subject: Filologia
Language: Anglès
Subject areas: Filologia Philology Filología
Department: Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys
Student: Bouziani Douiri, Sabah
Academic year: 2020-2021
Title in different languages: El monomite en Jane Eyre de Charlotte Brönte i A Court of Thorns and Roses de Sarah J. Maas The Hero's Journey in Charlotte Brönte's Jane Eyre and Sarah J. Maas A tale of Thorns and Roses El monomito en Jane Eyre de Charlotte Brönte i A court of thorns and Roses de Sarah J. Maas
Work's public defense date: 2021-06-16
Access rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Keywords: Monomite, Jane Eyre, Feyre Archeron Monomyth, Jane Eyre, Feyre Archeron Monomito, Jane Eyre, Feyre Archeron
Confidenciality: No
TFG credits: 9
Title in original language: The Hero's Journey in Charlotte Brönte's Jane Eyre and Sarah J. Maas A tale of Thorns and Roses
Project director: Singla Pego, Ana
Education area(s): Anglès
Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)