Treballs Fi de Grau> Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys

Immigration, Identity Loss, and Collective Memory in Asian American Poetry: A study of Dance Dance Revolution by Cathy Park Hong

  • Identification data

    Identifier: TFG:6188
  • Authors:

    González, López, Laura
  • Others:

    Creation date in repository: 2023-07-25
    Abstract: This research aims to study Dance Dance Revolution; a contemporary collection of poems. It provides information about the author, history, and literary characteristics of Asian American literature. The study shows that Cathy Park Hong follows the characteristics of Asian American literature, dealing with its prototypical topics. It explores the book structure and its literary characteristics to prove the hybridity between poetry and narrative. Park’s poems mix several languages to invite the reader to create different interpretations of the poems. Finally, the fictional places of the plot portray the history of Asian American people and explain historical facts about Korea.
    Subject: Filologia
    Language: en
    Subject areas: Filología Philology Filologia
    Department: Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys
    Student: González, López, Laura
    Academic year: 2021-2022
    Title in different languages: Inmigración, pérdida de identidad y memoria colectiva en la poesia asiático-estadounidense: Estudio de Dance Dance Revolution de Cathy Park Hong Immigration, Identity Loss, and Collective Memory in Asian American Poetry: A study of Dance Dance Revolution by Cathy Park Hong Immigració, pèrdua d'identitat i memòria col·lectiva en la poesia asiàtica americana: Estudi de Dance Dance Revolution de Cathy Park Hong
    Work's public defense date: 2022-06-13
    Access rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
    Keywords: Poesía asiático-estadounidense, poesía contemporánea, identidad Asian American poetry, contemporary poetry, identity Poesia asiàtica americana, poesia contemporània, identitat
    Confidenciality: No
    TFG credits: 9
    Title in original language: Immigration, Identity Loss, and Collective Memory in Asian American Poetry: A study of Dance Dance Revolution by Cathy Park Hong
    Project director: Style, John Glenmore
    Education area(s): Anglès
    Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
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