Treballs Fi de Grau> Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys

Who Is a Better Speaker of English? Native vs. Non-native Perspectives

  • Datos identificativos

    Identificador: TFG:6136
  • Autores:

    Salvat Figueras, Clàudia
  • Otros:

    Fecha de alta en el repositorio: 2023-07-24
    Resumen: This project focuses on the ideology that students have of native teachers of English and non-native teachers of English. Stereotypes present native speakers as the ideal language teachers because of their native proficiency. Non-native teachers are underrated and have to face unequal job opportunities. Research shows that both groups have different qualities that are beneficial for students. Furthermore, many students seem to experience the phenomenon called foreign language speaking anxiety. The aims of this project are to see if the stereotypes about native and non-native teachers are present among young learners of English and if students of English suffer from foreign language speaking anxiety.
    Materia: Filologia
    Idioma: en
    Áreas temáticas: Filologia Philology Filología
    Departamento: Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys
    Estudiante: Salvat Figueras, Clàudia
    Curso académico: 2021-2022
    Título en diferentes idiomas: Qui és millor parlant d'anglès? Perspectives nadives i no nadives Who Is a Better Speaker of English? Native vs. Non-native Perspectives Quién es mejor hablante de inglés? Perspectivas nativas y no nativas
    Fecha de la defensa del treball: 2022-06-14
    Derechos de acceso: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
    Palabras clave: professors/es d'anglès nadius/es, professors/es d'anglès no nadius/es, ansietat per parlar una llengua estrangera, LX, L1 native English-speaking teachers (NESTs), non-native English-speaking teachers (non-NESTs), foreign language speaking anxiety (FLSA), LX, L1 profesores/as de inglés nativos/as, profesores/as de inglés no nativos, ansiedad por hablar una lengua extranjera, LX, L1
    Confidencialidad: No
    Créditos del TFG: 9
    Título en la lengua original: Who Is a Better Speaker of English? Native vs. Non-native Perspectives
    Director del proyecto: Gallego Balsà, Lídia
    Enseñanza(s): Anglès
    Entidad: Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
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