Treballs Fi de Màster: Enginyeria Química

Un totat de 81 resultats.
Títol Data
Adaptació de dos tancs per al emmagatzemament d'un acrilat2021-09-17
Alarm Rationalization of an Ethylene Oxide Plant built in the 60s2023-06-23
A new growth approach to fabricate CuMo alloy nanowires 2016-08-08
Assessment of nickel nanofoam as a novel material to be used as a current collector for supercapacitors2017-12-09
Avalaució riscos en la construcció de naus industrials2022-06-27
Biocatalytic Conversion of Xylan based Furfural to 2 Furoic Acid via Organic Peracid Mediated Oxidation Induced by Lipase Enzyme2023-06-29
Biodegradable Dye Encapsulation using Alginate and Poly(ethylene glycol) Dimethacrylate2021-10-09
Biodegradable microcapsules for blue dye of whitening laundry detergents2020-09-09
Biomimetic polymeric membrane for proton transport channeled by self-columnar assembly and sandwiched with a sodium alginate hydrogel layer2019-06-09
Carbon footprint analysis, calculation and improvement of a pharmaceutical company2022-04-02
Carbon nano-onion-modified Ni-cathode materials for Ni-based batteries and a sustainable future2020-09-09
Carbon nano-onion-modified Ni-cathode materials for Ni-based batteries and a sustainable future2020-09-09
Coarse-grained mean field simulations of triblock copolymer systems. The effect of flexibility on the micellization behavior.2017-09-14
Comparison of different methods to predict chattering in pressure relief valves 2017-02-10
Coral Art NFT Business Plan2022-06-21
CuOx functionalized silicon photoanodes for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting devices2015-09-09
Debottlenecking of the solid packaged raw material handling2023-05-04
Design and development of an electronic instrumentation device for high-resolution melting curve analysis2016-09-08
Design of a gas-molten polymer separator: an increment of low density polyethylene productivity2023-02-10
Development and implementation of an optimization tool for the refinery's coker operation that allows maximizing the economic benefit of the plant2022-02-15
Development of lateral flow assay based on sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of ciguatoxin in fish samples2019-09-10
Direct electrical contacting of pyrroloquinoline quinone dependent glucose dehydrogenase (PQQ-GDH) based on polyaniline and carbon nano onion-modified gold electrodes2020-09-09
Diseño de un enfriador de propileno en el parque de tanques de puerto de basf2021
Disseny de dispositius d'alleujament de pressió per a flux bifàsic. Comparació entre API 520, ISO 4126-10 i GOST
Effect of binding constants on the extraction of herbicides with cyclodextrin polymers 2023-09-12
Effect of meteorological variables and air quality on SARS-CoV-2 transmission2022-02-18
Electrochemical detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in polymicrobial environments 2016-08-08
Electrochemical Primer Extension for the Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Using Dideoxynucleotides Labeled with Polyoxometalates2016-09-08
Electrogenic characterization and optimization of the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. and construction of a Photovoltaic Microbial Fuel Cell2015-09-09
Elimination of interferences in enzyme-based potentiometric sensors2015-09-09
El personal bomber davant situacions crítiques.2021-09
Energy Optimization of a Propene-Propane Splitter2023-06-28
Enhancing P&G encapsulation performance via improving deposition2023-02-21
Ergonomía y PVD’s en Puestos de Trabajo de Oficinas en Modalidad de Teletrabajo2021-09
Evaluación de riesgos de los puestos de control visual, tratamiento térmico y producción de torneados de alta precisión.2021-09-01
Evaluación de riesgos de los puestos de control visual, tratamiento térmico y producción de torneados de alta precisión.2021-09-01
Evaluación de riesgos de los puestos de control visual, tratamiento térmico y producción de torneados de alta precisión.2021-09-01
Evaluación de riesgos del puesto de trabajo de curtido de pieles de ternero2021-09
Evaluación de riesgos en el área de fabricación de hielo en la confraria de pescadors de tarragona2021-09
Evaluación de riesgos en las plantas de producción de la empresa Clariant2021-09
Evaluación de riesgos ergonómicos y psicosociales en una embarcación pesquera2021-05-21
Evaluación de riesgos ergonómicos y psicosociales en una embarcación pesquera2021-05-21
Evaluación de riesgos especificos en trabajos de limpiezas industriales hidrodinamicas para la parada Covestro 20212021-09
Evaluación de riesgos para el montaje de andamios2022-09-05
Extraction of proteins from Buffalo with commercial ionic liquids in aqueous two-phase systems2022-09-07
FDA Qualification for Equipment and Utilities of Revlon production site in Pla de Santa Maria2022-06-14
Greenhouse films properties model: From 3 to 5 layers 2023-05-30
Green nanotechnology for the application of tellurium nanowires in biomedicine2018-07-31
Implementation of an Enviornmental Management System in Schwartz-Hautmont S.A2022-06-21
Implementation of predictive maintenance 4.0 on vibration analysis2022-05-30
Improviment and optimization of emulsions'preperation and cleaning process2022-02-11
Improving the recyclability of artificial turf structures with a polyolefin dispersion2022-05-27
Manual de buenas practicas en la protección de trabajadores especialmente sensibles a determinados riesgos en un matadero de aves2021-09
Membranes with amine-free carboxylate ionic liquid additives for efficient CO2 separation2021-10-09
Microalgal composition modulation for an effective biorefinering concept2015-09-09
Modeling and Simulation analysis of Flow battery in microgrid application2022-09-02
Modelling of pollutant dispersion in air2022-02-18
Monitoring of the control loops in the papermachine2022-02-16
Novel composites of pedot:pss-platinum nanoparticles for chemiresistive biosensors2023-09-12
Optimization and dynamics of a propene-propane splitter with vapor recompression2022-07-02
Optimization of an Autonomous Microgrid linked with Energy Hydrogen Storage System2022-02-10
Performance characterization of miniaturized near-infrared (nir) spectrometers for the classification of sweet and bitter almonds2022-09-09
Planificación y Desarrollo de la Etapa de Construcción, Comisionado y Puesta en Marcha de un Nuevo Reactor (versión no confidencial)2021-09
Porosity determinations of electrospun nanofibers by microscopy techniques2020-09-10
Predicting the thermoforming behavior of PE-rich films.2023-05-22
Preparation of a Propane Dehydrogenation reaction model for Multi Predictive Control implementation including economic optimization2022-06-21
Prevención de riesgos laborales en un taller de mármol2021-09
Process development study of the primary separation unit for a syngas conversion process2023-06-20
Reduction of SO2 emissions on source point: DSWS (double sour water stripper) revamp2022-02-15
Revamping of an existing Pressure Swing Adsorption unit to maximize hydrogen production2023-02-20
Screening and identifying the lead cleaning and scent technologies for new toilet cleaning formulation2022-02-21
Solid-supported CO2 Sorbents Based on Amine-free Phosphonium Carboxylate Ionic Liquids2020-09-09
Synthesis and Antibacterial Properties of Selenium Based Nanoparticles Made by Bacteria2018-07-30
Techno-economic assessment of a hydrogen-enriched boiler of 44 MW-thermal power2023-01-25
The syntesis of bimetallic nanoparticles using human cancer cells2018-07-31
Tools maintenance digitization2022-02-07
Towards 100% renewable energy supply in Catalonia using scenario analysis2022-06-20