Treballs Fi de Màster> Geografia

Potential for Hydrogen driven green mobility transition in the Camp de Tarragona region of Catalonia, Spain.

  • Identification data

    Identifier: TFM:1454
  • Authors:

    Birds Kathryn Elizabeth
  • Others:

    Keywords: Crecimiento del turismo, cambio climático, turismo sostenible, valle del hidrógeno, transiciones de la movilidad, hidrógeno verde, cadena de valor Tourism growth, climate change, sustainable tourism, hydrogen valley, mobility transitions, green hydrogen, value chain. Creixement del turisme, canvi climàtic, turisme sostenible, vall de l'hidrògen, transicions de mobilitat, hidrògen verd, cadena de valor
    Title in different languages: Potencial para la transición de la movilidad verde impulsada por el hidrógeno en la región del Camp de Tarragona de Cataluña, España. Potential for Hydrogen driven green mobility transition in the Camp de Tarragona region of Catalonia, Spain. Potencial per a la transició de la mobilitat verda impulsada per l'hidrogen al Camp de Tarragona, Catalunya, Espanya.
    Subject areas: Turismo y ocio Tourism and leisure Turisme i oci
    Confidenciality: No
    Academic year: 2022-2023
    Student: Birds Kathryn Elizabeth
    Department: Geografia
    Access Rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
    Work's public defense date: 2023-06-28
    TFM credits: 12
    Project director: Russo, Antonio Paulo
    Abstract: With global temperatures rising and tourism numbers growing, hydrogen is a potential alternative fuel to tackle the global emergency crisis. How is it being incorporated into tourism mobility around Europe and in the region of Camp de Tarragona, part of the Costa Daurada tourist destination where a hydrogen valley has been formed. Research into hydrogen valleys and the hydrogen economy, local mobility, and industry data will be analysed to form an overall opinion on the economic, carbon footprint emission of hydrogen and if and how it could be used within the local tourism sector in the region.
    Subject: Turisme
    Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
    Language: en
    Education area(s): Gestió de Destinacions Turístiques
    Title in original language: Potential for Hydrogen driven green mobility transition in the Camp de Tarragona region of Catalonia, Spain.
    Creation date in repository: 2023-07-12
  • Keywords:

    Turismo y ocio
    Tourism and leisure
    Turisme i oci
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