Keywords: Tanc, Acrilonitril, BASF Tank, Acrylonitrile, BASF Tanque, Acrilonitrilo, BASF
Title in different languages: Disseny d'un tanc d'emmagatzematge d'acrilonitril Design of an acrylonitrile storage tank
Subject areas: Enginyeria Industrial Industrial Engineering Ingeniería Industrial
Confidenciality: No
Academic year: 2022-2023
Student: Duarte Unzaga, Unai
Department: Enginyeria Mecànica
Access Rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Work's public defense date: 2023-09-04
Project director: Bengoa, Christophe José
Abstract: Es pretén dissenyar un tanc d'emmagatzematge de acrilonitril situat al Site de Tarragona de l'empresa BASF Espanyola. El projecte inclou el càlcul del tanc, bombes, intercanviador, instrumentació i seguretat de procés, entre d'altres. The aim is to design a storage tank for acrylonitrile located at the Tarragona Site of the Spanish company BASF. The project includes the calculation of the tank, pumps, exchanger, instrumentation, and process safety, among others.
Subject: Enginyeria Indusrial
Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Language: spa
Education area(s): Enginyeria Industrial
Title in original language: Diseño de un tanque de almacenamiento de acrilonitrilo
Creation date in repository: 2024-04-09