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Sustainable development of Chinese homestays in the rural tourism:the example of Hainan Province, China

  • Identification data

    Identifier: TFM:782
  • Others:

    Keywords: Sostenible, Casa de camp, Rural Sustainable, Homestay, Rural Sostenible, Casa de camp, Rural
    Title in different languages: Desenvolupament sostenible del turisme rural en cases de família xineses: l'exemple de la província de Hainan, Xina Sustainable development of Chinese homestays in the rural tourism:the example of Hainan Province, China Desarrollo sostenible del turismo rural en casas de familia chinas: el ejemplo de la provincia de Hainan, China
    Subject areas: Turisme i oci Tourism and leisure Turismo y ocio
    Confidenciality: No
    Academic year: 2020-2021
    Student: YANG,Yi
    Department: Geografia
    Access Rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
    Work's public defense date: 2021-09-16
    TFM credits: 12
    Project director: Antonio Russo
    Abstract: Aquest document examina l'estat actual de desenvolupament de les llars rurals a la província de Hainan, Xina, i analitza les polítiques i reglaments promulgats per la Xina per al desenvolupament de les llars rurals des de la perspectiva del govern, i la importància d'aquestes polítiques i regulacions per a la mitigació de la pobresa en el camp, i conclou amb recomanacions per a la futura sostenibilitat de les llars rurals a Hainan. This paper examines the current state of development of rural homestays in Hainan Province, China, and analyses the policies and regulations promulgated by China for the development of rural homestays from the government's perspective, and the importance of these policies and regulations for poverty alleviation in the countryside, and concludes with recommendations for the future sustainability of rural homestays in Hainan.
    Subject: Turisme
    Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
    Language: en
    Education area(s): Gestió de Destinacions Turístiques
    Title in original language: Sustainable development of Chinese homestays in the rural tourism:the example of Hainan Province, China
    Creation date in repository: 2021-09-22
  • Keywords:

    Turisme i oci
    Tourism and leisure
    Turismo y ocio
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