Conjunts de dades de producció científica> Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques

Mr.Banks 2013 Experiment Dataset

  • Datos identificativos

    Identificador: PC:4029
  • Autores:

    Duch, Jordi
  • Otros:

    Materia: Economia
    Derechos de acceso: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
    Identificador del investigador: 0000-0003-2639-6333
    Publicado por (editorial): Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
    Publicaciones relacionadas: Gutiérrez-Roig, M., Segura, C., Duch, J., & Perelló, J. (2016). Market imitation and win-stay lose-shift strategies emerge as unintended patterns in market direction guesses. PLOS ONE, 11(8), e0159078.
    Resumen: The data stored here come from a lab-in-the-field experiment, called Mr. Banks, where volunteers are given a controlled set of financial information -based on real data from worldwide financial indices- and they are required to guess whether the market price would go up or down in each situation. Data is used to explore basic statistical traits, behavioural biases and emerging strategies. More details can be found in the following publication:
    Departamento: Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.50429
    Tipo de documento: info:eu-repo/semantics/other
    DOI de la publicación relacionada: 10.1371/journal.pone.0159078
    Fecha alta repositorio: 2016-04-25
    Autor: Duch, Jordi
    Palabras clave: Behavioural Economics, Experiments, Finance, Complex Systems
    Grupo de investigación: Network and Data Science
    Año de publicación de la dataset: 2016
    Acción del progama de financiación: This work was partially supported by MINECO (Spain) through grants FIS2013-47532-C3-1-P (JD), FIS2013-47532-C3-2-P (JP); by Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain) through Complexity Lab Barcelona (contract no. 2014 SGR 608, JP and MGR) and through Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca (contract no. 2013 DI 49, JD); by Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) through the Barcelona Citizen Science Office project of the Barcelona Lab programme; and by the EU through FET-Proactive Project MULTIPLEX (contract no. 317532, JD).
    Título del conjunto de datos: Mr.Banks 2013 Experiment Dataset
  • Palabras clave:

    Behavioural Economics, Experiments, Finance, Complex Systems
  • Documentos:

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