Conjunts de dades de producció científica> Geografia

Meteorological observations for Europe and the southern Mediterranean region, 1877-2012

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    Identificador: PC:4151
    Coll, Joan Ramon
    Under the auspices of Work Package 1 of the European Union funded Uncertainties in Ensembles of Regional ReAnalysis (UERRA) project, we present a digital dataset of 8.8 million subdaily meteorological observations rescued across the European and the southern Mediterranean region. Data from 127 stations and of 15 climate variables (many of them Essential Climate Variables as defined by the Global Climate Observing System) in the northern Africa and European sectors have been recovered for the period 1877 to 2012. Quality control of the data using a two-step semi-automatic statistical approach identified 3.5% of observations that required correction or removal, on par with previous data rescue efforts. Here we provide all versions of the rescued dataset to ensure it is as traceable as possible: the transcribed data in original units (in the original files); data at each stage of quality control (in the original files); and the final values in SI units, along with quality control flags and conversion methods. The original scanned images are available through the Universitat Rovira i Virgili Centre for Climate Change ( Further details of the dataset development are provided in the associated peer-reviewed publication.
  • Otros:

    Materia: Geografia
    Derechos de acceso: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
    Publicado por (editorial): Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
    Publicaciones relacionadas: Ashcroft, L., Coll, J. R., Gilabert, A., Domonkos, P., Aguilar, E., Sigró, J., Castella, M., Unden, P., Harris, I., Jones, P., & Brunet, M. (2018). A rescued dataset of sub-daily meteorological observations for Europe and the southern Mediterranean region, 1877–2012.
    Resumen: Under the auspices of Work Package 1 of the European Union funded Uncertainties in Ensembles of Regional ReAnalysis (UERRA) project, we present a digital dataset of 8.8 million subdaily meteorological observations rescued across the European and the southern Mediterranean region. Data from 127 stations and of 15 climate variables (many of them Essential Climate Variables as defined by the Global Climate Observing System) in the northern Africa and European sectors have been recovered for the period 1877 to 2012. Quality control of the data using a two-step semi-automatic statistical approach identified 3.5% of observations that required correction or removal, on par with previous data rescue efforts. Here we provide all versions of the rescued dataset to ensure it is as traceable as possible: the transcribed data in original units (in the original files); data at each stage of quality control (in the original files); and the final values in SI units, along with quality control flags and conversion methods. The original scanned images are available through the Universitat Rovira i Virgili Centre for Climate Change ( Further details of the dataset development are provided in the associated peer-reviewed publication.
    Departamento: Geografia
    DOI: 10.1594/PANGAEA.886511
    Tipo de documento: info:eu-repo/semantics/other
    DOI de la publicación relacionada: 10.5194/essd-2018-39
    Fecha alta repositorio: 2018-01-01
    Autor: Coll, Joan Ramon
    Palabras clave: Climate, Europe, meteorology, weather, Mediterranean
    Grupo de investigación: Centre en Canvi Climàtic
    Año de publicación de la dataset: 2018
    Acción del progama de financiación: Government of Catalonia (GC) with grant 2017-DI-002, by the GC with project 2017-SGR-896; Universitat Rovira i Virgili with project 2017PFR-URV-B2-41; Spanish Ministry of Science & Technology with project IoTrain—RTI2018-095499-B-C32; EU Commission with project LOCARD (Grant Agreement no. 832735); COST Action 19121 Goodbrother; A.S. is partially supported by APWG.EU
    Título del conjunto de datos: Meteorological observations for Europe and the southern Mediterranean region, 1877-2012
  • Palabras clave:

    Climate, Europe, meteorology, weather, Mediterranean
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