Tesis doctorals> Departament de Dret

El Municipi Constitucional de Vic (1820-1823)

  • Dades identificatives

    Identificador: TDX:1143
    Furriols Espona, Clara
    The objective of this Doctoral Thesis is to study the constitutional municipality established during the historical period known as the “trienni liberal” (liberal three-year period) (1820-1823). The study focuses not only on the doctrinal and legal aspects, i. e. the theoretical municipality; but also on the real aspect, i. e. the implementation of the legal regulations in the specific case-study of the municipality of Vic. We have tried to analise the dicotomy ideal municipality-real municipality in a particular period of time (1820-1823) and in a specific municipality, Vic. Only through multiple micro-history studies it will be possible to determine exactly what happened in our country, beyond the legal framework. This will allow us to determine to what extent a divorce existed between the official law and the practice law.
  • Altres:

    Data: 2012-07-18
    Departament/Institut: Departament de Dret Públic Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
    Idioma: cat
    Identificador: http://hdl.handle.net/10803/97203
    Font: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
    Autor: Furriols Espona, Clara
    Director: Jordà Fernández, Antoni
    Format: application/pdf 521 p.
    Editor: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    Paraula Clau: Ajuntament Vic trienni liberal
    Títol: El Municipi Constitucional de Vic (1820-1823)
    Matèria: 93 - Història. Ciències auxiliars de la història. Història local 342 - Dret constitucional. Dret administratiu 34 - Dret
  • Paraules clau:

    93 - Història. Ciències auxiliars de la història. Història local
    342 - Dret constitucional. Dret administratiu
    34 - Dret
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